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1939 - 1945.  Fascism in Europe Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany with the promise of restoring the nation to greatness  Hitler believes that Jews.

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Presentation on theme: "1939 - 1945.  Fascism in Europe Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany with the promise of restoring the nation to greatness  Hitler believes that Jews."— Presentation transcript:

1 1939 - 1945

2  Fascism in Europe Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany with the promise of restoring the nation to greatness  Hitler believes that Jews and other “impure” races are to blame for Germany’s problems Benito Mussolini leads the Fascists in Italy and takes over government there.  Both Hitler & Mussolini use expansion to gain power

3  Both Hitler & Mussolini take territory, despite the Treaty of Versailles Hitler uses the Blitzkrieg to overwhelm his enemy Germany & Italy become the Axis Powers and Germany signs a peace treaty with the USSR At first, Europe tries appeasement to avoid war, but eventually, Germany takes Western Europe up to the English Channel.

4  As the German blitzkrieg overwhelmed Allied forces in France, a massive evacuation brought over 330000 soldiers to safety in Britain. Military and private craft, defended by the RAF, saved the day.  Newsreel footage Newsreel footage  Battle of Britain – Germany’s attempt to bomb Britain into surrender lasted over 3 months, but failed.

5  Japan builds an Empire Japan was hurting from the Great Depression’s effects, just as Germany and Italy. This discontent led Japan to seek power through expansion, and alliance with the Axis Powers.  US Response: at first US seeks neutrality, but later, begins military build up and aid to Britain. Lend-Lease Act – US can aid nations “vital to US security.”  Attack on Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7 th, 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7 th, 1941 US declares war on Japan, Germany & Italy declare war on US

6  America Mobilizes for war Diversity – Americans of all ethnic backgrounds fought in WWII. Women joined the armed forces & supported the war on the home front.  The US turns the tide of the war  After Germany turned on USSR, Stalin joins the Allies  D-Day – June 6, 1944 – Allied invasion of Europe begins

7  Surviving D-Day Surviving D-Day

8  Soviets push back the Nazis and advance toward Germany from the East.  Allied Forces advance from the South and West  Hitler commits suicide & Germany surrenders on May 8th 1945: V-E Day.  Yalta Conference: Germany and Berlin are split & controlled by Allies & USSR.

9  After Pearl Harbor, Japan defeated US forces in the Philippines Bataan Death March: 10000 POWs died  Pacific War is fought at sea and on islands  US drops 2 atomic bombs on Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki) Newsreel  Japan surrenders Aug 14, 1945 (V-J Day)

10  Under Hitler’s direction, the Nazis attempted to “cleanse” the German race  Any non-Aryans were persecuted and imprisoned  Jews were especially targeted and eventually taken to concentration camps  Approximately 6 million Jews and 5 million other victims fell to Nazi killings.  Nuremberg Trials – Nazis tried for war crimes. “Just following orders” does not justify murder.

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