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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute April 5, 2011 U.S. History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute April 5, 2011 U.S. History Mr. Green

2 The students will identify key turning points in the war in the Pacific by creating a time line of events in the Pacific theater Announcement: Chapter 17 Test Friday April 9 Review: Identify the military leaders of Japan and explain the significance of December 7, 1941. Explain the significance of today’s date Drill: Read “Difficult Decisions” on page 592 : 1. List the pros and cons of the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. 2. Answer question 2 under the reading selection.

3 Japan sent feelers to Moscow to negotiate a peace The goal was unconditional surrender, not a negotiation Germany began research on such a weapon as well as Japan U.S. research led by J. Robert Oppenheimer and English and European refugees Germany fell first and the U.S. bomb was not ready August 6, 1945-Hiroshima 70,000 died instantly 110,000 shortly after August 8, 1945-Russia entered war against Japan in Korea and Manchuria August 9, 1945-Nagasaki August 10, 1945 Japan sued for peace kept Emperor Hirohito on the throne September 2, 1945 is V-J Day

4 Yalta-February 1945 create United Nations Russia would enter the war against Japan free elections in Eastern Europe and Poland United Nations Security Council-5 permanent members U.S., China, U.S.S.R., Britain, and France Potsdam-July 1945

5 Nuremberg War Trials Germany divided into 4 zones occupied by each of the 4 powers along with Berlin Nazi leaders on trial-22 total in first round 12 were executed 200 or more jailed Occupation of Japan Douglas MacArthur in charge 7 top officials executed, including Tojo 6 year occupation MacArthur Constitution

6 Create a timeline of the major battles you selected in your drill, then describe the significance of each military action in the Pacific during World War II.  Coral Sea  Guadalcanal  Midway  Iwo Jima  Okinawa

7 Why did the Japanese government refuse to surrender when the United States issued a warning prior to the use of the atomic bomb? Finish War Chart with students.

8 1. Read Chapter 17 Section 4. 2. Prepare for test on Friday.

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