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10/18/2015 Thoughts to get us started … Wars of the 16th century pitted Protestants against Catholics. From 1560 to 1650, wars and economic and social.

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Presentation on theme: "10/18/2015 Thoughts to get us started … Wars of the 16th century pitted Protestants against Catholics. From 1560 to 1650, wars and economic and social."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/18/2015 Thoughts to get us started … Wars of the 16th century pitted Protestants against Catholics. From 1560 to 1650, wars and economic and social crises plagued Europe. European monarchs sought economic and political stability through absolutism and the divine right of kings. The people become concerned with order and power.

2 Essential Question How did Philip II extend Spain’s power and help establish a golden age?

3 Objectives Describe the empire that Charles V inherited. Analyze how Spanish power increased under Philip II. Explain how the arts flourished during Spain’s golden age. 10/18/2015

4 Spain emerged as the first modern European empire during the 1500s Empire

5 10/18/2015

6 Charles V (used to be Charles I) 1516-1556 -King of Spain and the colonies in the Americas -Inherits Hapsburg Empire in 1519 -Includes Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands -Devout Catholic -Engaged in constant war to suppress Protestantism -Running massive empire exhausting -Divides it between his son, Philip and brother, Ferdinand


8 Philip II of Spain * “The Most Catholic King”


10 Philip’s palace, Escorial

11 Philip II rules 1556-1598 Gold and silver make Spain wealthy $$$$$ Asserts his ‘divine right’ to rule Devotes most of his time to governing and made every part of the government responsible to him Seizes Portugal 1580 Defends militant Catholicism against Protestants & Muslims (Ottomans)

12 Philip – tried to use marriage as a political tool. Married Mary (England)

13 1554 Shilling – Philip & Mary

14 Queen Elizabeth I of England seen as Spain’s main Protestant enemy. In 1588, Philip II sent a huge armada to invade England. Largest naval battle in history British beat Spain

15 10/18/2015 The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

16 10/18/2015 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588 by Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg, painted 1796, depicts England’s Sir Francis Drake's fire ship attack on the Spanish Armada

17 10/18/2015

18 plHzk plHzk

19 It’s the beginning of the end for Spain  10/18/2015

20 Between the 1600s and 1700s Empire Weakens Future kings rule poorly Inflation & taxes Taxes on lower class prevents development of middle class Goods bought abroad makes Spain’s enemies rich $$$ Expulsion of Muslims and Jews deprived Spain of many skilled artisans and merchants Bankruptcy declared 3x

21 Dutch Revolt Win independence from Spain in 1579 A republic Netherlands practices religious tolerance Became Europe’s bankers Largest trading fleet

22 Golden Age 1550-1650 Philip II supports the arts El Greco, painter, “The Greek” –Brilliant style –“View of Toledo” Miguel de Cervantes, “Don Quixote” –First modern novel

23 Miguel de Cervantes, “Don Quixote”

24 Answer. 1.Describe the decline of Spain’s power under Philip II. 2.Why did the Dutch revolt against Spain?


26 Which of the following statements do you most agree with? Why? A.A government leader should never have absolute authority. B.A government leader can exercise absolute authority if it will help advance a country’s economy. C.A government leader can exercise absolute authority when a country is under attack. D.A government leader can exercise absolute authority whenever it will advance a country’s interest.

27 Spain emerged as the first modern European power during the 1500s. After Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand unified the country, Philip II expanded Spanish influence and helped foster a Spanish golden age by supporting the arts. 10/18/2015

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