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E-Learning: Fight Against Oil Spills Kick off meeting Brussels 22 january 2014 Call for proposals for prevention and preparedness projects.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning: Fight Against Oil Spills Kick off meeting Brussels 22 january 2014 Call for proposals for prevention and preparedness projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Learning: Fight Against Oil Spills Kick off meeting Brussels 22 january 2014 Call for proposals for prevention and preparedness projects

2 Partners Coordinator: TRAGSA Beneficiaries: Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias - Ministerio del Interior (España) Direction Générale de la Sécurité et de la Gestion des Crises – Ministére de L´Ìnterieur (France)

3 e-Learning: Fight Against Oil Spills Total eligible costs: 236.063,43€ EC contribution (75%): 177.038,43€ Duration: 10 months

4 Tragsa The project e-Learning: Fight Against Oil Spills Form, Train and prepare volunteers focused on health risk Professionals training specialized in managing volunteers The Strengh of the tool it is to train thousands of people at the same time in case of need Regulate the number of volunteers who can intervene in terms of the need demanded during the emergency and the existing logistic capabilities 04

5 Tragsa Background information Main objective it is to improve the response system In previous cases manager can´t controll flow of volunteers to the emergency area Public opinion Public health Proffessionals usually aren´t adequately prepared to manage volunteers 05

6 Tragsa Results 06 Two on line courses: -volunteers -professionals One platform to control how many people attend each course -per number of students -per time open to attend it The access is free for volunteers 3 different languages to attend the course -spanish -french -english

7 Tragsa Deliverables and deadlines 07 TaskDeliverables Task A: reporting to the Commission 22 January 2014Kick-off meeting report April 2014Progress report n ° 1 Before 31 September 2014 Final report Task B: Task search, analysis and selection of feasible solutions and alternatives 31 january 2014Website 31 january 2014 Selection of e-learning platform Task C: Task material identification 28 february 2014Collecting specific manuals

8 Tragsa Deliverables and deadlines 08 TaskDeliverables Task D: Search for interested profiles 28 february 2014Profiles selection Task E: Material development 31 may 2014Technical documentation 30 june 2014Evaluation tests Task F: Evaluation and project control 30 july 2014Prototype

9 Tragsa Deliverables and deadlines 09 TaskDeliverables Task G: Monitoring of the prototype 31 august 2014Feed back about prototype 15 september 2014 Improvements of the prototype Before 31 September 2014 Final report Task H: Publicity 31 january 2014Website Follow Up

10 Tragsa Follow up Main objective it is monitoring the evolution project via website Ensure the operation of the wbsite through continuous testing for faults Literature review that makes available the most current training materials Revision and updating of technical documentation by consulting experts 010

11 Tragsa 011 Thank you for your atention E-FAOS Project

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