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Royal Brit Final Research Paper Rachel Sharaby. Thesis The differences in the religious reforms of Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I account for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Royal Brit Final Research Paper Rachel Sharaby. Thesis The differences in the religious reforms of Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I account for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Royal Brit Final Research Paper Rachel Sharaby

2 Thesis The differences in the religious reforms of Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I account for the differences in contemporary and modern perceptions of their overall accomplishments and successes as rulers. Mary: Association of Catholicism with foreign involvement Elizabeth: Association of Protestantism with nationalism and patriotism

3 Summary of Arguments Mary’s marriage to Prince Philip designed to reinforce Catholicism, created the association between Catholicism and foreigners Under Mary people were executed under acts of heresy, burned for their religion, while Elizabeth hung people for being traitors to the crown and country Elizabeth tried to unify the church and state, did not really care what people believed privately as long as they outwardly supported her English defeat of Spanish Armada (Spain=Catholic) as a triumph for England and Protestantism

4 Primary sources 1.Foxe, John. "CHAPTER XVI: Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary." FOX's Book of Martyrs. Accessed February 9, 2015. 2.Tittler, Robert, and Judith M. Richards. The Reign of Mary I. 3rd ed. London: Pearson Education Limited, 2013. (Translated from a MS. In St mark’s library, Venice, Calendar of State Papers, Venetian, vol. VI, pp. 1467-8, Appendix no. 136.) 3.“Elizabeth’s Speech at Tilbury.” The Speech of Queen Elizabeth To Her Army Encamped at Tilbury, 1588. Accessed April 26, 2015.

5 Secondary sources 1.Haigh, Christopher. "The Queen and the Church." In Profiles in Power: Elizabeth I. 2nd ed. Harlow, Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1998. 2.Williamson, David. "The Tudors." In National Portrait Gallery: History of the Kings & Queens of England. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2003.

6 Most surprising find Philip of Spain sent many letters to Elizabeth, and proposed

7 Contribution Entire course of history changed, because religion was so close to politics No Catholics can be on the throne Elizabeth’s sort of “blend” of Protestantism and Catholicism led way to the modern Anglican Church

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