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Common Core? Why is it important and what does it look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core? Why is it important and what does it look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core? Why is it important and what does it look like?

2 Why not When, How not Who, Goal of Common Core is to prepare students for an ever changing world. ●Student must be able to quickly analyze information and understand what is of value and what is not. ●Students cannot simply memorize or recall the information needed, they must know how to find answers ●Essentially, Common Core is focusing on the process of thinking.

3 Literacy Reading has always been a foundation of how is it different now? ●Students are asked to focus on Non-Fiction Text. (E.g. journals, articles, news briefs etc.) ●Beyond reading for facts, students must analyze an argument, understand how the author supports it and critique the merits of the argument.

4 What does this look like for my child? SubjectPrevious StandardCommon Core Standard Math How do you convert 3/10 into a percentage? What is the relationship between: 3/10,.3, 30%, 30/100 and Explain how they are similar or different and how you know. Language Arts Identify the Plot, Climax and Resolution of the story. Analyze how the plot, climax and resolution are related. How does the plot push the story through a climax and into a final resolution.

5 SubjectPrevious StandardCommon Core Standard Social Studies When did the U.S. Drop the atomic bomb? Where was it dropped? Using excerpts from world leaders, defend or disagree with the dropping of the atom bomb and cite evidence to back up your argument. Science Understand and demonstrate the scientific method Use the scientific method to build scientific inquiry and develop solution to real world problems Electives Assorted stand alone classes for students to gain credit. Important classes that enforce literacy and support Core Curriculum areas via cross-curricular learning P.E. How to throw a footballAnalyzing the proper form and muscle movement to understanding the connection when throwing a football

6 Final Thoughts on Common Core: ●Deep, self realized learning of less, instead of shallow, memorization of more. ●Learning how to learn, apply and problem solve instead of memorize, recall and move on. ●Emphasis on technology: Students will be expected to be technologically literate for the 21st century expectations they encounter Common Core - teaching with an emphasis on thinking!

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