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Common Core State Standards Rivera Staff Meeting March 27, 2013 Common Core Writing.

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1 Common Core State Standards Rivera Staff Meeting March 27, 2013 Common Core Writing

2 Key Advances Greater clarity and coherency across grade spans Reading – Attention to text complexity – Balance of literature and informational texts Writing – Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing Speaking and Listening – Inclusion of formal and informal communication – Integrates media sources across the standards 2

3 The Three Text Types in The Common Core State Standards Are: Opinion/ Argument Informative/ Explanatory Narrative  Provide relevant facts  Provide argument focused on changing a reader’s point of view  Urging action  Increasing reader’s knowledge of subject  Enhancing to enable understanding  Building to enhance comprehension  Convey experience, either real or imaginary  Lives of individuals (history)  Step by step procedures in science investigations video

4 Alignment in Writing Three mutually reinforcing writing capacities: To persuade To explain To convey real or imagined experience GradePersuadeExplainConvey Experience 430%35% 8 30% 1240% 20% 2011 © CA County Superintendents Educational Services Association 4

5 5 Structure of the Writing Strand Organized by grade level A comprehensive K-5 section – 10 Writing Standards in English Language Arts Two content-area specific sections for grades 6-12 – 10 Writing Standards in English Language Arts – 10 Writing Standards in Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies and Science and Technical Subjects

6 Writing Applications CCSS 1.Write Opinions (K-5); Write Arguments (6-12) 2.Write Informative/Explanatory Texts 3.Write Narratives Previous Standards 1.Narratives 2.Expository Descriptions 3.Friendly Letters 4.Personal or Formal Letters 5.Response to Literature 6.Information Reports 7.Summaries 8.Persuasive Letters/Compositions 9.Research Reports 10.Fictional Narratives 11.Biographical/Autobiographical Narratives 12.Career Development Documents 13.Technical Documents 14.Reflective Compositions 15.Historical Investigation Reports 16.Job Application/Resume 6

7 Writing Standard 7: Research Notice the progression of rigor in the standards: Grades K-2: Participate in shared research and writing projects… Grades 3-4: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge… Grades 5: Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge… Grades 6-7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources… Grade 8: Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources… Grades 9-12: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self- generated question) or solve a problem… 7

8 Literacy T.A. http://www.literacyta.com SBSD Writing Prompts, Rubrics & Anchor Papers Engage New York http://engageny.org

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