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SIOP: Component 2 Building Background: F9 Vocabulary Welcome Opening Prayer Sharing of Observations.

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1 SIOP: Component 2 Building Background: F9 Vocabulary Welcome Opening Prayer Sharing of Observations

2 Vocabulary Strategies Review Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Vocabulary Words Review the four main principles that guide vocabulary instruction 1.Students should be active 2.Students should personalize word learning. 3.Students should be immersed in words. 4.Students should build on multiple sources of information to learn words through repeated exposures.

3 Content Objective The students will identify strategies for teaching vocabulary words. Language Objective The students will write a lesson plan that includes: 1. Activity(ies) that link students past learning to new concepts. 2. Activity(ies) that teach Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary words 3. The students will write a reflection on the lesson taught.

4 Teaching Vocabulary DO NOT Give students a list of vocabulary words to copy from the board and look up the definitions in the dictionaryDO Teach words that fit into students’ learning needs and concepts being taught. Teach dictionary skills with words that are familiar to students

5 Vocabulary Strategies Students should be active in developing their understanding of words and ways to learn them. Word Sorts Students categorize words or phrases, that have previously been taught, into groups predetermined by the teacher  Activity: Word Sort

6 Vocabulary Strategies Contextualizing Key Vocabulary Teacher peruse the material to be learned and select several key vocabulary terms that are critical to understanding the lesson’s most important concepts.  At the beginning of the lesson  e.g. immerse, accelerate, manipulate  Or within the lesson  e.g. schemata Vocabulary Games Pictionary, Scrabble, crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.

7 Vocabulary Strategies Students should personalize word learning. Vocabulary Self-Correction Strategy (VSS) ◦ Individuals or groups of students self-select words from a particular reading/unit. The class agrees upon a list of vocabulary words for the reading/unit. Students may keep words in a word study notebook. Personal Dictionaries ◦ Similar to VSS except a class list is not compiled Word Study Books ◦ A student made personal notebook. It is suggested that words are organized by English language structure, e.g. words that end in –tion, -tation.

8 Vocabulary Strategies Students should be immersed in words. Word Walls ◦ Relevant content vocabulary words are listed alphabetically on the wall. Words are revisited frequently and students are encouraged to use them in writing and discussions. Keep words to a minimum and change as needed with student input. Removed words can be stored for later review.




12 Print Rich Environment



15 Vocabulary Strategies Word Generation Students learn and/or review new words through analogy. Example: photo (light), photosynthesis, photocopy, photograph, photography, photogenic Activity With your partner list as many words as you can think of that contain “port”.

16 Vocabulary Strategies Students should build on multiple sources of information to learn words through repeated exposures. Concept Definition Map: A simple graphic that can be used to discuss complex concepts. Akas kind Patient intelligent Friendly

17 Vocabulary Strategies Concept Definition Map American Revolution Revolution Can be violent Overthrow of government or social system “Velvet” Revolution in Czech Republic Often emotional Usually political May result in changed system of government Russian Revolution

18 Vocabulary Strategies Cloze Sentences Are used to teach and review content vocabulary. Students read a sentence where vocabulary word has been omitted. Once the correct word is determined it can be filled in the blank. e.g. Vocabulary instruction must be for English learners. List Group Label Students brainstorm words related to the topic and then determine possible categories for the words. Explicitly taught

19 Vocabulary Strategies Self Assessment of Levels of Word Knowledge 1. I’ve never heard or seen the word before. 2. I’ve seen/heard the word before but do not know what it means. 3. I vaguely know the meaning of the word, and I can associate it with a concept or context. 4. I know the word well.

20 Assignments Write a Lesson Plan that includes: 1.Activity(ies) that link students past learning to new concepts. 2.Activity(ies) that teach Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary words (25 points) Write a reflection paragraph describing (10 points) 1.What went well in the lesson 2.How did the students respond 3.Would you do something differently next time? If so, what and why Attach the paragraph to the lesson plan and turn in.

21 Content Objective The students will identify strategies for teaching vocabulary words. Language Objective The students will write a lesson plan that includes: 1. Activity(ies) that link students past learning to new concepts. 2. Activity(ies) that teach Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary words 3. The students will write a reflection paragraph on the lesson taught.

22 Teaching Scenario (if time) With your group, read Miss Paige’s lesson, pg. 69 Discuss how your would score her lesson based on the SIOP criteria for Component 2: Building Background

23 Next Class Thurs. May 23, 3:00 Component 3: Comprehensible Input Closing Prayer Please complete observations for Component 1: Lesson Preparation. Complete one observation paper as the observer and one paper as the observee.

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