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Digital Teaching Portfolio Induction 2007-2008 Daniel Friel.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Teaching Portfolio Induction 2007-2008 Daniel Friel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Teaching Portfolio Induction 2007-2008 Daniel Friel

2 Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy My performance background My performance background Temple University Temple University Temple University Temple University Various ensembles Various ensembles Various ensembles Various ensembles Music Learning Theory Music Learning Theory Music Learning Theory Music Learning Theory Audiation based approach Audiation based approach Instrumental Pedagogy Instrumental Pedagogy The creative director The creative director Various instrumental studies according to level of ability Various instrumental studies according to level of ability

3 Music Learning Theory Music Vocabularies Music Vocabularies Listening Listening Performing Performing Reading Reading Writing Writing

4 Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Musical Experience of Students Musical Experience of Students Musical Experience of Students Musical Experience of Students Music Aptitude of Students Music Aptitude of Students IMMA, AMMA IMMA, AMMA Musical Listening Vocabulary of Students Musical Listening Vocabulary of Students Issues in Middle School Music Classes Issues in Middle School Music Classes Students with Special Needs Students with Special Needs Attendance at Extra-Curricular Activities Attendance at Extra-Curricular Activities Discussion with colleges Discussion with colleges

5 Setting Instruction Outcomes Documented in Lesson Plans Documented in Lesson Plans Documented in Lesson Plans Documented in Lesson Plans Daily agenda posted on Smartboard Daily agenda posted on Smartboard Based on National Standards for Music Education Based on National Standards for Music Education Based on student listening experience and variety Based on student listening experience and variety

6 Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Percussion Percussion Guitar Guitar Keyboards Keyboards Smartboard Smartboard Music Technology Programs Music Technology Programs Music Technology Programs Music Technology Programs Teacher Made Handouts Teacher Made Handouts My laptop Smartmusic Coursework at Villanova PMEA GIML

7 Designing Coherent Instruction Sequential Learning Sequential Learning Sequential Learning Sequential Learning Class room activities correlated with LSAs Class room activities correlated with LSAs Different goals for students of different levels Different goals for students of different levels Same activity but in more depth. Same activity but in more depth. Student choice of songs Student choice of songs Student choice of songs Student choice of songs Individual/Group work Individual/Group work Ensemble Performance Ensemble Performance Ensemble Performance Ensemble Performance

8 Designing Student Assessments Various different types Various different types Written Tests Written Tests Rubrics Rubrics Guitar Rubric Guitar Rubric Guitar Rubric Guitar Rubric Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Instrumental Music Group performances Group performances

9 The Classroom Environment

10 Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Respect for the student – ‘en toda’ Respect for the student – ‘en toda’ Language shapes behavior Language shapes behavior

11 Establish A Culture for Learning Use of practical musical examples Use of practical musical examples Use of practical musical examples Use of practical musical examples High expectations for each student High expectations for each student

12 Managing Classroom Procedures Procedures for care of music room Procedures for care of music room Procedures for use of percussion instruments Procedures for use of percussion instruments

13 Managing Student Behavior A few simple rules A few simple rules Consistent, fair consequences Consistent, fair consequences

14 Organizing Physical Space Compromise due to needs of other classes taught Compromise due to needs of other classes taught Storage room Storage room

15 Instruction

16 Communicating with Students Daily Objectives written on Smartboard Daily Objectives written on Smartboard As few words as possible As few words as possible

17 Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Subjectivity of tonality and meter. Subjectivity of tonality and meter.

18 Engaging Students in Learning Audation Audation Varied Activities – Singing, Moving, Playing, Discussion Varied Activities – Singing, Moving, Playing, Discussion Group Work Group Work Ensemble Performance Ensemble Performance

19 Using Assessment in Instruction Rubrics Rubrics Peer assessment Peer assessment Form the basis of future lessons Form the basis of future lessons

20 Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Student feedback will influence course of lesson Student feedback will influence course of lesson Flexibilty in group activity Flexibilty in group activity

21 Professional Responsibilities

22 Reflecting on Teaching Space for reflection in lesson plans Space for reflection in lesson plans Influence the way the class is taught next marking period. Or even the next period Influence the way the class is taught next marking period. Or even the next period

23 Maintaining Accurate Records Use of Excel Use of Excel Use of Excel Use of Excel Use of EschoolPlus Use of EschoolPlus Development of Digital Portfolios Development of Digital Portfolios Instrument inventory Instrument inventory

24 Communicating with Families Letter home to parents at the beginning of the class Letter home to parents at the beginning of the class Web site Web site Web site Web site Handouts Handouts Handouts Newsletter Newsletter Phone calls home Phone calls home Prompt replies to email and voicemails Prompt replies to email and voicemails Contact Log Contact Log

25 Participating in a Professional Community Assisting with County Audtions Assisting with County Audtions High School Jazz Band High School Jazz Band Culture Fair Culture Fair Observations Observations

26 Growing and Developing Professionally Private instrumental study Private instrumental study MEJ, JRME MEJ, JRME Congress with colleges Congress with colleges PMEA and organizations listed above PMEA and organizations listed above

27 Showing Professionalism On time and here On time and here Advocate for students Advocate for students Taking the school/districts mission to heart Taking the school/districts mission to heart Acting in the best intereset of all students Acting in the best intereset of all students

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