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Report Writing. Checklist for Writing a Report Analyze the report problem and purpose Collect Data Document data sources Interpret and organize data Prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "Report Writing. Checklist for Writing a Report Analyze the report problem and purpose Collect Data Document data sources Interpret and organize data Prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Writing

2 Checklist for Writing a Report Analyze the report problem and purpose Collect Data Document data sources Interpret and organize data Prepare visual aids Compose first draft Revise and proofread

3 Components of a Business Report 1.Cover Page 2.Table of Contents 3.Body Title/headings Headers and footers Proper referencing 4.Endnotes/Footnotes 5.Bibliography

4 Components of a Business Report 1. Title Page: –Name of the report –Name, title and organization of the individual receiving the report –Picture that is relevant to the report –Authors name, title, and organization –Date submitted ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES THE RAPTORS COULD EMPLOY TO WIN Presented to: Mr. Brunton Business Studies Teacher SJSH. Prepared by: Your Name BTA3OC September 18, 2012

5 2.Table of Contents: –Show the beginning page number of where each report heading appears in the report –Connect the page numbers and headings with spaced dots (leaders) –Do not number this page Components of a Business Report TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION……………………………………...2 History of the Raptors………………………...4 Purpose of the study…………………………..5 RESULTS OF STUDY Players…………………………………………6 Coaches………………………………………...6 Fans…………………………………………….7 CONCLUSION……………………………………….8 RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………..9 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………….10

6 Components of a Business Report 3.Introduction: –Explain the purpose of the report –Describe its background and significance –Close the introduction by previewing the reports organization ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES THE RAPTORS COULD EMPLOY TO WIN INTRODUCTION Report report report report report report report retport report Based based based report report report Based report report report report Report report report report report report report report report report. Report report report report report report report report report report. Based based based report report report Based report report report report Report report report report report report report report report report. History of the Raptors Report report report report report report report retport report Based based based report report. Based report report report report Report report report report report report report report report.

7 Components of a Business Report 4. Body/Results of study –Discuss, analyze, and interpret the research findings –Discuss proposed solution to the problem –Arrange findings in logical sequence –Use clear, descriptive headings as well as charts, graphs and pictures to emphasize your points. RESULTS OF THE STUDY Players Report report report report report report report retport report Based based based report report report Based report report report report Report report report report report report report report report report. Coaches Report report report report report report report report report report. Based based based report report report Based report report report report Report report report report report report report report report report..

8 Components of a Business Report 5.Conclusion and Recommendation –Explain what the findings mean in relation to the original problem –Use numbered recommendations that suggest actions for solving the problem 6.Bibliography –Cite work throughout the report as well as in the bibliography. Please see website: Gillis, Justin. "Beyond Cloning: Milking Cows for Medicine" Toronto Star 9 May 2005. 12 October 2005. OR Taber, Clarence Wilbur. Taber's Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary. 14th Ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1981.

9 Steps to write a report 1.Create a title page; consider using one of Word’s fancy ones … (insert, cover page) 2.Leave a blank page for table of contents 3.Separate document using section breaks (page layout, breaks) 4.Modify headers and footers

10 Writing a report 1.Add content; use styles (heading 1, 2) 2.Page break between main sections (insert, page break) 3.Section break before bibliography 4.Make table of contents (References, ToC)

11 Write a report Write a report on polar bears. Headings could be: –Introduction, about the species, habitat, food, predators, endangered status, etc. OR Write a report on global warming. Headings could be: –Introduction, causes, effects, prevention Plagiarize it!!

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