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Animal Adaptations Lower Elementary Class Mrs. Giles September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Adaptations Lower Elementary Class Mrs. Giles September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Adaptations Lower Elementary Class Mrs. Giles September 2013

2 Emperor Penguin Their feathers keep them warm in the icy weather.

3 Koala They can climb trees by clawing the trunks and they can escape predators.

4 Bottlenose Dolphin It has a shaped beak and it can kill sharks with it.

5 Chimpanzee Their hands and feet are well adapted for grabbing branches and other objects.

6 Skunk They have glands that make a toxic spray to predators. Their black and white stripes are known to predators.

7 Polar Bear

8 Bibliography sfer/chi.jpg&imgrefurl= flying- safari.html&h=499&w=383&sz=58&tbnid=lOE4lLZCIMs7_M:&tbnh=94&tbnw= 72&zoom=1&usg=__aM06yR9ZYtCjafOpRl3f-bN_bCU=&docid=OIVr02- WyqL3YM&sa=X&ei=LakwUt_sMJGA2AW0_oDIDA&ved=0CLYBEP4dMBE sfer/chi.jpg&imgrefurl= flying- safari.html&h=499&w=383&sz=58&tbnid=lOE4lLZCIMs7_M:&tbnh=94&tbnw= 72&zoom=1&usg=__aM06yR9ZYtCjafOpRl3f-bN_bCU=&docid=OIVr02- WyqL3YM&sa=X&ei=LakwUt_sMJGA2AW0_oDIDA&ved=0CLYBEP4dMBE

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