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TERRAMIN AUSTRALIA Limited Angas Zinc Project. Angas Zinc Project: traffic Raised as a concern through Stakeholder consultation process Dominant source.

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Presentation on theme: "TERRAMIN AUSTRALIA Limited Angas Zinc Project. Angas Zinc Project: traffic Raised as a concern through Stakeholder consultation process Dominant source."— Presentation transcript:

1 TERRAMIN AUSTRALIA Limited Angas Zinc Project

2 Angas Zinc Project: traffic Raised as a concern through Stakeholder consultation process Dominant source of background noise in the region Issues are noise, dust, dragout, hours of operation, changes to current traffic numbers

3 Current traffic: all vehicles Source: Transport SA Survey

4 Current traffic: heavy vehicles Source: Transport SA Survey

5 Angas Zinc Project: traffic Terramin have proposed: –No B-double vehicles to be taken via township roads –B-Double movements limited to hours as specified in MARP.

6 Angas Zinc Project: traffic Proposal Details: –Callington Road, currently gazetted route for B- Doubles –Transport trucks: 6.30 am – 10.00 pm –Noise: average increase from offsite traffic less than 1 dB(A) (Bassett modelling) –Low noise air brakes specified in contract

7 Angas Zinc Project: traffic Proposal Details: – Concentrate trucks will be covered to prevent dust impact –Vehicles leaving site will be washed down to prevent dragout on public roads –Onsite “Mine Road” road to be bitumised - prevents dragout and dust –Liaision with TSA to upgrade intersection of the “Mine Road” with Callington Road at our cost

8 Angas Zinc Project: Traffic Safety Safety Issues: – 110 zone at entrance: Terramin have applied for speed limit to change to 80 km/h in consultation with Council and TSA –Existing entrance in poor location: Propose to change location of mine entrance road - design in progress.

9 Existing Road & Boxcut Location

10 Proposed changes Proposed mine entrance road Proposed 80km/h speed limit extension Current site entrance Existing 80km/h speed limit

11 Angas Zinc Project: Other Traffic Light vehicle traffic: in operational phase essentially workers driving to work and parking in carpark on site Insignificant addition to total road usage Commercial vehicles Bulk consumables Balls, Reagents (lime) via Callington Road Local business suppliers - (cement, laundry,cleaning, hardware, safety equipment, security, communications etc.) via Strathalbyn

12 Angas Zinc Project: traffic MARP Outcomes : –No accident potential, noise, dust and dragout impacts caused by traffic to or from mine site MARP Criteria –No significant structural change to road condition. –Accidents or near misses to be reported to CCC. Management will react to near miss and accident reports. –Terramin’s contract with transport suppliers will specify delivery direction –Contractor log books to indicate compliance with agreed hours of operation


14 Area Overview

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