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Back to School Night September 2014 Miss Lisa M. Chiavuzzo (609) 267-0830 (x 4502)

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night September 2014 Miss Lisa M. Chiavuzzo (609) 267-0830 (x 4502)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night September 2014 Miss Lisa M. Chiavuzzo (609) 267-0830 (x 4502)

2 Spanish 2 Course Description A progression of the Spanish language connecting prior knowledge to new words and experiences Cultural readings Written activities Verbal Presentations Assessments Class participation & preparation Homework Quizzes Projects Tests Assessed on speaking, listening, reading and writing through a variety of innovative and traditional assignments

3 Grading Policy Homework Max 4 times a week Each day late, one point is deducted Quizzes Announced & unannounced Tests & Projects In-class and out of class time Review Sessions Class Participation & Preparation Bring all necessary materials to class Speak in Spanish (Taco, after Thanksgiving…total immersion) Tardy Policy Attendance Must be in seat when late bell rings working on Hagan Ahora 3 lates = detention Assignments 3 days extension to hand in work Grade lowered one level per day late

4 Sunshine Reports Students displaying exceptional work, behavior, etc. will be rewarded with phone calls home, homework passes, puntos positivos, etc.

5 Thunderstorm Warnings Students who are not working to their full potential and/or misbehaving in class will receive Thunderstorm Warnings (private conversation, phone calls home). If the behavior has not improved, disciplinary actions will be pursued. Tutorial detentions, Discipline office referrals

6 Help is on the way! Tutorial (7:30am) in A239 Mondays – library duty Thursdays – hall duty Student Prep 3C Tutoring Program Spanish Honor Society

7 Utilizing technology with RV Teacher websites E-mail Course Maps Homework assignments Genesis Updated averages, attendance, disciplinary record, etc.

8 Cultural clubs & events at RV Spanish Club National Spanish Honor Society World Language Festival (Spring)

9 Travel Changes Lives International travel with World Language Dept. Spain, Costa Rica, Mexico Italy France ACIS ( Upcoming trips: Italy & France- Spring 2016

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