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New look for new features

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1 New look for new features
nMOLDYN New look for new features

2 History nMOLDYN v1.0 (1995, Gerald Kneller): FORTRAN 77
MSD, VACF, DOS, Finc(q,t), Fcoh(q,t), S(q,w) … nMOLDYN v2.0 (2002, T. Rog, K. Murzyn, K. Hinsen): Python Same scientific contents than v1.0 Command line and GUI (Tk) versions netcdf input/output format Upgrade (2006, Paolo Calligari): Anisotropic calculations of scattering functions

3 nMOLDYN current status
nMOLDYN is a mature project Around 20 analysis available  reached a plateau in term of possibly new analysis Almost all MD packages covered (NAMD, DL_POLY, VASP …) Stable Multi-platform Windows Linux MacOS (Guillaume)

4 nMOLDYN current status

5 Why a new interface ? nMOLDYN community
Different profiles (pure experimentalist, scientific programmers …) Different OS Improving current nMOLDYN functionalities Multi-threaded analysis from GUI Introducing new functionalities: New 3D plotting tool Internal molecular visualizer New scientific functionalities (anisotropic analysis) More user friendly

6 wxPython wxPython wraps the popular wxWidgets which is written in C++ . It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface. Easy to transport, and run on multiple platforms without modification (currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-like systems, and Macintosh OS X.) It’s an open source and allows multithreading. Mature project One of the standard for developing GUI

7 Mayavi 2 Created by B. Ramachandran and G. Varoquaux
Complements matplotlib with 3D-plotting High quality plots wxPython backend Animation  molecular viewer Installed with enthought multi-packages

8 Perspectives Finishing the GUI
Developing new scientific functionalities biblMD analysis (strong coupling with Mayavi 2) Multiple scattering New fields … New converters (Gromacs, DL_POLY binary) McStas Using Mayavi functionalities ? Building a web interface for nMOLDYN and McStas

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