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in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful

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Presentation on theme: "in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful"— Presentation transcript:

1 in the name of Allah most gracious most merciful

2 The Environment

3 In this lesson we’ll know…
- What does the word ‘environment’ mean. - Our bad and good effect on the environment. - What are the kinds of pollution . - Pollution's effects on us. - Some ways to help and save our the earth from pollution .

4 Definition of ‘environment’ :
The environment is something you are very familiar with. It's everything in the place where we live in, that makes up our surroundings and we affect on it and affected by it the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the earth's surface, the plants and animals around us, and much more.

5 Our Effects On Our Environment
When we say we affect our environment we mean tow different effects : 1. A bad effect that damages all creatures 2. A good effect which improves living circumstances – assisting the environment

6 The bad effect ! ‘ Environmental pollution’
Our negative and bad impact on the environment is called : “ Pollution” . And there are many types of pollution like : Atmosphere Pollution Water Pollution Land Pollution

7 The Atmosphere Pollution
What is the atmosphere ? The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention

8 Atmosphere layers The First layer is : The troposphere is the first layer above the surface and contains half of the Earth's atmosphere. Weather occurs in this layer. The second layer is : Stratosphere. The ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun The third layer is : Mesosphere , which meteors or rock fragments burn up in . The fourth layer is : The thermosphere. It is where the space shuttle orbits and satellites . The fifth layer is : The exosphere . This is the upper limit of our atmosphere.


10 The Atmosphere pollutants

11 poisonous smokes and fumes

12 Dust and dust storms

13 Sprays

14 Industrialisation

15 Acid rains

16 The Atmosphere pollution effects

17 coughing Sore throat

18 Breathing problems

19 lung diseases Heart diseases

20 Kills Birds

21 How can we protect the earth from air pollution?

22 Walk or use the bike

23 Don’t smoke

24 afforestation

25 Pollution of the land

26 The land pollutants

27 litter and waste

28 Fires

29 Deforestation

30 The land pollution effects

31 Decrease in soil fertility and therefore decrease in the soil yield

32 soil erosion

33 Poisonous crops Because of the polluted soil and it will cause health problems.

34 Pollution of the rivers and seas

35 The causes of the water pollution

36 industrial wastewater

37 oil tanker leaking oil into the sea

38 throw trash into the water

39 The water pollution effects

40 kills many marine animals

41 Kills the waterfowls

42 The End

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