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AP Psych DMA The sense of touch includes which four basic sensations?

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psych DMA The sense of touch includes which four basic sensations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psych DMA The sense of touch includes which four basic sensations?
2. The two football teams are wearing two different colored uniforms – so you lump them into two groups. This illustrates the principle of…? AP Psych DMA

2 Today’s Agenda Quiz on Chap 1, 2, 3 & 4 DMA Revised calendar
Review for Final Exam Chapters 5 & 6 Quiz on Chap 1, 2, 3 & 4 Homework: Final Exam – Friday, Feb. 3rd Quiz on chap. 5, 6,7 & 8 – Monday, Jan. 30th Quiz on Chap 9, 10, 11 & Prologue – Wednesday, Feb. 1st Today’s Agenda

3 Revised Calendar Everyone needs a copy

4 Quiz will begin at 1:50 FYI….

5 Partner Review 1 handout per pair…

6 Chapter 5

7 Sensation- Thresholds
Absolute Threshold minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time Difference Threshold minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection 50% of the time just noticeable difference (JND)

8 Vision Transduction Wavelength
conversion of one form of energy to another in sensation, transforming of stimulus energies into neural impulses Wavelength the distance from the peak of one wave to the peak of the next

9 Body Position and Movement
Kinesthesis the system for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts Vestibular Sense the sense of body movement and position including the sense of balance

10 Touch Skin Sensations pressure warmth cold pain
only skin sensation with identifiable receptors warmth cold pain

11 Diagrams With needs one eye diagram & a pair of scissors.
Match the definitions with the parts. Everyone needs an ear diagram Label the parts Repeat the process over and over and over and over again until it’s memorized. Diagrams

12 Compare/contrast rods & cones
With a neighbor…

13 What happens in your eye during accommodation?

14 What happens in your eye during accommodation?
Lens changes shape in order to focus images on the retina.

15 Smell “Chemical sense” nerve Olfactory bulb Receptor cells in Nasal
olfactory membrane Nasal passage Olfactory bulb nerve

16 What do your olfactory receptors let you do?

17 When you listen to your i-Pod really loud – why do you become used to the music volume? What is this called? Sensory adaptation

18 Discuss how/why people are nearsighted or farsighted.
With a neighbor…

19 Chapter 6

20 Perception Selective Attention focus of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus Cocktail party effect

21 Perceptual Organization: Gestalt
Visual Capture tendency for vision to dominate the other senses Gestalt--an organized whole tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes

22 Perceptual Organization: Gestalt
Grouping the perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into coherent groups Grouping Principles proximity--group nearby figures together similarity--group figures that are similar continuity--perceive continuous patterns closure--fill in gaps connectedness--spots, lines, and areas are seen as unit when connected

23 Perceptual Organization
Figure and Ground--organization of the visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from their surroundings (ground)

24 Perceptual Organization
Depth Perception ability to see objects in three dimensions allows us to judge distance Binocular cues retinal disparity images from the two eyes differ closer the object, the larger the disparity convergence neuromuscular cue two eyes move inward for near objects

25 Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception
Visual Cliff

26 Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception
Monocular Cues relative size smaller image is more distant interposition closer object blocks distant object relative clarity hazy object seen as more distant texture coarse --> close fine --> distant

27 Perceptual Organization: Depth Perception

28 If you remove other objects from your field of vision – objects appear to change size.
Looking at a person standing at the end of a tunnel. Use other data in the environment to judge things. If you run into Wheeler at the mall…. You may not recognize her at first  Context Effects

29 Is There Extrasensory Perception?
controversial claim that perception can occur apart from sensory input telepathy clairvoyance Precognition Parapsychology the study of paranormal phenomena ESP psychokinesis

30 Perception and the Human Factor
Human Factors Psychology explores how people and machines interact explores how machine and physical environments can be adapted to human behaviors

31 Everyone needs: Scantron (BLUE SIDE, please) Copy of quiz When you are done – put the test & your answers on Wheeler’s desk. Don’t forget to put your name on it! Quiz

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