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History of Journalism Broadcast Journalism I Room 315.

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1 History of Journalism Broadcast Journalism I Room 315

2 History of Journalism Objectives:  To Determine the important dates in the history of journalism  To recognize important figures to the world of journalism  To establish a timeline leading to today’s world of journalism

3 3000 BC—Babylonia Clay, stone and wooden tablets are used by the residents of Babylonia to advertise their businesses First form of advertising

4 1827—Freedom’s Journal First black newspaper Founded by Russwurm and Cornish Response to racist attacks by other newspapers

5 500 B.C.—Thebes, Egypt Egyptians make papyrus Form of paper From the stems of the papyrus plant

6 1690— Publick Occurrences: Both Foreign and Domestic Benjamin Harris 4-page paper Contained advertisements Religious Used to spur independence among the colonies

7 1735—New York, NY John Peter Zenger acquitted of seditious libel Charged due to his printings in New York Weekly Journal

8 1719— Boston Gazette Boston’s 2 nd newspaper Beginning of competition among newspapers

9 1765—Stamp Act Used by Britain to pay war debts All official documents, papers, books and newspapers printed on stamped paper that carried a special tax Additional tax placed on each ad

10 1732— Philadelphia Zeitung Published by Benjamin Franklin First Foreign paper in the US German newspaper

11 1741—Magazines Benjamin Franklin Andrew Bradford Published the first print magazine

12 1737—Elizabeth Timothy Charleston South Carolina Gazette First woman publisher in the colonies This was due to her husband’s accidental death

13 1754—Cartoons First cartoon appears in the Pennsylvania Gazette

14 1814—London London Times used a steam- driven press The press could print up to 1100 sheets per hour

15 1776— Pennsylvania Evening Post First newspaper to publish the Declaration of Independence

16 1783—Daily Newspapers Pennsylvania Evening Post became America’s first daily newspaper Most until this point were weekly papers

17 1835—Pony Express Established between New York and Philadelphia by the postmaster

18 1808— El Misisipi The first Spanish-language newspaper in the US

19 1438—Johan Gutenberg, Germany Begins working on a method of printing using moveable type  Gutenberg Press

20 1833— New York Sun First penny paper Established for the working folk Carries mostly sensational human interest news with a touch of humor

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