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WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions.

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Presentation on theme: "WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions."— Presentation transcript:

1 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss Introduction ‘There is no patent. Could you patent the sun? WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & THE DEVELOPING COUNTIRES

2 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES I ntroduction The WTO, TRIPS rules were introduced after continuous lobbying by trans-national corporations (TNCs). The Agreement forces the member countries to grant at least 20-year patent protection in all fields of technology, including medicines. CONTD.. Introduction   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

3 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Introduction….. This This enables already powerful developed countries pharmaceutical TNCs to join their market domination on a global scale. At At a time when millions of people are already unable to afford essential medicines. CONTD.. Introduction   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

4 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Introduction….. How the WTO patent rules work and how they will affect the price of medicines in developing countries The negative effects of the rules, Corporate interests & poverty reduction Health crisis in developing countries Need for governments to fill the gaps in pharmaceutical research Who makes the decisions Some recommendation for developing countries. Introduction   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

5 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES WTO, TRIPS & Patents WTO The inter governmental organization Promote and liberalize the trade Basically an agreement that erects barriers Undermines competition Protects private rights CONTD.. WTO, TRIPS   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

6 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TRIPS Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations (ACTN) and IPC, convinced the government that the ‘theft’ of US technology could be stopped only by creating international rules. The US TNCs skillfully enrolled their European and Japanese counterparts to put pressure on the other rich country governments, and the deal was done which laid the groundwork for what became TRIPS WTO, TRIPS & Patents…… CONTD.. WTO, TRIPS   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

7 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Patents A control or monopoly of some pharmaceutical business, granted by the country for a particular period of time for the commercial exploitation of a scientific or technological invention. The social function of patent is to stimulate innovation & it is applicable on either a product or a process. WTO, TRIPS & Patents…… WTO, TRIPS   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

8 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES P atent’s effects on D eveloping countries CONTD.. CONTD.. Patent Effects To To talk about TRIPS some years ago was totally unknown; it was something from another planet to most of us. Many Many developing countries were unaware of the implications of TRIPS. Even Even now, many of the poorer countries are unaware to the commitments they made in 1994.   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

9 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Patent’s effects…. The new patent rules, at present coming into The new patent rules, at present coming into force in many developing countries force in many developing countries Introduce new global standards for all member Introduce new global standards for all member Countries Countries Forced member countries with a minimum Forced member countries with a minimum 20-year patent term for all products, including 20-year patent term for all products, including medicines and the processes by which these medicines and the processes by which these are made. are made. Patent Effects   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss CONTD..

10 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES During During this period, the prices of many medicines could be at least three and possibly more times higher than they would previously It It is a right of any country to override a patent and authorize third-party production of a medicine. Some Some industrialized countries, like the United States, Japan, Denmark, Germany etc. are using political pressure and the threat of trade sanctions to force countries to enact laws of TRIPS, which exclude public-health issues.. Patent’s effects…. Patent Effects   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss CONTD..

11 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES All All WTO member countries, even the poorest in the world, must be obedient with the whole of TRIPS by 2006, depending on their stage of development. Otherwise, Otherwise, rich countries can take them to the WTO court, which can impose sanctions on those countries. The The Agreement is loaded against poor people of the poor countries. Majority of the TRIPS agreements were heavily biased in favor of the developed countries. Patent’s effects…. Patent Effects   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

12 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES I ssue I ssue of P ublic H ealth CONTD.. ‘Many – even very poor people – can afford to buy drugs when the need is urgent and they are desperate. Our parents are just like all parents anywhere in the world. If a child is sick, they will do everything they can, to help that child. They will borrow money. They will sell a cow. They will sell the tin from their roof. I see this every day’. Public Health Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, health activist in Bangladesh   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

13 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Issue Issue of Public Health…. In this tech world, one in five of the world’s In this tech world, one in five of the world’s population does not have access to health services. Inadequate water supply and sanitation, poor diet and the low quality of education are major contributory factors to ill health. Developing country governments could do Developing country governments could do more to make medicines available to the poor but the governments like the govt. of Pakistan continue to spend far less on public health than on other priorities, such as military budgets Public Health   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

14 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Price increases shall be a regular feature, with the introduction of &/or strengthening of patent protection in developing countries. According According to an estimate, prices could be three times or more during this time. For some products, prices could be ten or twenty times higher. CONTD.. Medicine Medicine access, …. Medicines   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

15 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Medicine Medicine access, …. TRIPS will make it harder for domestic pharmaceutical industries Prices Prices could be three times or more during this time. For some products, prices could be ten or twenty times higher. Incomes Incomes and employment in the sector will fall Poor Poor countries will become more dependent on expensive patented imports Medicines   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

16 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES G ovt. G ovt. R ole Allocation of resources would follow clearly defined public-health priorities. Availability of cheaper and more easily used medicines. Research priorities should build in a gender dimension and ensure that treatments for diseases that particularly affect women are investigated. All All countries, rich and poor are required to contribute annually based on their capacities, making it a genuine global initiative. CONTD.. Suggestions   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

17 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES P harmaceuticals P harmaceuticals R ole Determining the availability and affordability of medicines They They develop and manufacture most of the world’s medicines, deciding what is produced, and how much it will sell for. Corporate charity Give EMR CONTD.. Suggestions   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

18 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES P akistan’s P akistan’s R ole Designing Designing patent legislation to provide maximum protection for public-health needs Pressure Pressure for IP protection that goes beyond TRIPS should be resisted Involving Involving health ministries, other government departments, and parliaments in decision-making on IP rules, including fundamental questions such as minimum patent length. Encouraging Encouraging broad public debate on the issues. CONTD.. Suggestions   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

19 WTO, TRIPS, PATENT RULES & DEVELOPING COUNTRIES C onclusion In my opinion TRIPS related agreements are not suitable for majority of developing & all poor countries to follow. Pakistan has to strengthen its relation with ‘Like-Minded Group’ of developing Countries comprising Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, and Uganda, THANKS Conclusion   Links Introduction Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Patent Effects Medicines Suggestions Conclusion WTO,TRIPS Pb. Health Iss

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