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1 Michigan Department of Education Office of School Improvement One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement (MI-CSI)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Michigan Department of Education Office of School Improvement One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement (MI-CSI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Michigan Department of Education Office of School Improvement One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement (MI-CSI)

2 One Common Voice – One Plan Today’s Agenda Introduction The School Improvement Cycle SI Team Membership Mission, Vision, and Beliefs Change 2

3 3 School Improvement

4 4 School Improvement Framework

5 5 NCLB & PA 25 Title I OSI Ed Yes External School Improvement Process Coherent Plan for Improvement Common Vision Common Language Tools Assistance Continuous Improvement One Common Voice – One Plan MiBLSi

6 6 Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice

7 7 One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Getting Ready Collect Data Build Profile  School Data Profile  School Process Profile Analyze Data  School Data Analysis  School Process Analysis  Summary Report Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Develop Action Plans Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan Gather Study Plan Do

8 8 One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Four Considerations School Culture –Collaborative Inquiry –Vision, Mission, Core Values, Beliefs School Decision Making Team Building –Stakeholder Analysis –Group vs. Team School Current Reality –“Where Are We?”

9 One Common Voice – One Plan Hopes and Fears Setting Norms 9

10 10 Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice

11 11 One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Stage One: Gather Steps: 1. Getting Ready 2. Collect Data 3. Build Profile

12 12 One Common Voice – One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Getting Ready Collect Data Build Profile  School Data Profile  School Process Profile Analyze Data  School Data Analysis  School Process Analysis  Summary Report Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Develop Action Plans Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan Gather Study Plan Do

13 13 One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready The School Improvement Team (SIT) should include: TEAM MEMBER CATEGORIES *Administrator *Teacher *Other School Employee *Student, when appropriate *Parent of Title I Students *Parent of non-Title I Students *Community Member *Board Member A person knowledgeable about the continuous improvement process, as well as a person who is able to provide technical assistance for the process, should be available.

14 School Improvement Team Members An effort needs to be made to invite all categories of members to meetings. Keep a record of invitations. For those who do not participate in the meetings, include a description of how they are kept informed. 14

15 15 Who needs to be added to our School Improvement Team? Are there any over- or under-represented members? How can we recruit team members to represent our stakeholders?

16 16 One Common Voice – One Plan Gather: Getting Ready Activity Checklist Ability or Willingness? As an individual, determine whether each checklist item is a representation of “Ability” or “Willingness”. Check for consensus among your tablemates. How will this checklist help you in “Getting Ready” for the school improvement process?

17 One Common Voice – One Plan Getting Ready for School Improvement DescriptionYes, Willing Yes, Able No, Willing No, Able 1. School Improvement Team members and staff understand that the continuous school improvement process is a process, not an event, and that the first “round” will take a number of months to complete. 2. School Improvement Team members know and understand the various requirements for school improvement (PA 25 and Title I) as well as the timeline for completion of each of these requirements. 3. Staff members have an understanding of the common vocabulary. 4. SIT and Staff members develop a building Mission, Vision and Belief Statements that focus on actions that will improve student achievement. 5. School Improvement Team members are able to locate resources that provide support for the school improvement process. 6. There is a process in place that ensures alignment between the school plan and the district plan, i.e. the district plan is informed by the building plan. 7. SIT and Staff members follow a team protocol that values individual input into decision making. 8. Staff members are able to use multiple types and sources of data for decision making. 9. Staff members are receptive to the idea that change may be necessary. 17

18 Break 15 minutes 18

19 Did You Know (4.0) ? 19

20 20 Stage One Gather: Step 1Getting Ready Mission Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready Mission Mission Statement: Why do we exist? Your Mission/Purpose Statement describes your current reality. It needs to be crystal clear and concise. Professional Learning Communities at Work, Richard DuFour & Robert Eaker, 1998 One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Explains why we exist and what we work for every day Short/succinct Plain words – no jargon Uses a powerful verb Creates a burning platform

21 21 One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready Vision Vision Statement: What do we wish to become? Vision describes a desired future state: What do we want to do? What do we hope for? Vision instills an organization with a sense of direction. It asks, "If we are true to our purpose now, what might we become at some point in the future?” “An effective vision statement articulates a vivid picture of the organization’s future so compelling that a school’s members will be motivated to work together to make it a reality.” Taken from: Professional Learning Communities at Work, Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker, 1998.

22 22 One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready Belief Statements Belief Statements: What do we value? Beliefs are the assumptions we make about ourselves, about others, and about how we expect things to be. Beliefs reflect how we think things really are. Statements of what is valued A public/visible declaration of your expected outcomes Precise and practical Used to guide actions A reflection of knowledge, philosophy, and actions Underlying and encompassing of the vision

23 Although your district may already have a Mission, Vision, and Belief Statements, each individual building needs to have their own, unique M-V-B statements. 23

24 24 What do our M-V-B statements say about us?

25 25 Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement The Gorilla Story

26 Types of change identified by research on the effects of the restructuring movement in schools. A logical extension of past and current practices to make incremental improvements in the current situation First order change A fundamental or significant break with past and current practices intended to make dramatic differences in the current situation Second order change 26

27 27 Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready School Level Change First Order Changes Second Order Changes Specific classroom and schoolwide practices: Changes in efficiency, organization, specific practices, “change without difference.” Philosophy, focus, and ownership: Systemic change, fundamental ethos, philosophy, beliefs driving practice “restructuring.” One Common Voice - One Plan Michigan Continuous School Improvement Stages and Steps

28 28 First and Second Order Changes Smaller classes Site-based councils Ninety-minute teaching blocks Schools within schools First Order ChangeSecond Order Change Changing relationships and teaching strategies Collaboration and ownership Extended teaching and learning opportunities New interactions and relationships Coordinated focused curriculum Teaching teams with common planning Research shows that second order changes are more likely to lead to increased student achievement than are first order changes. One Common Voice - One Plan Stage One Gather: Step 1 Getting Ready

29 29 What are some first and second order changes that our staff is going through right now?

30 Personal impact of change… It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between what we fear…It’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to. -- Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy 30

31 Where do I go for help? 31

32 What’s Next? Assemble your School Improvement Team –Confirm returning members –Recruit new members Get to know your team –Team building activities Refine your Mission, Vision, and Beliefs 32

33 33 What are our next steps as a school improvement team?

34 Next Time…Data Collection 34

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