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FY13 ROTC OML Model Academic Program (40%) 2. Leadership Program (60%)
Cumulative GPA (includes ROTC GPA) (Spring Semester, most current) For each event/activity: Based on a normalized weighted average distribution for that cohort. 2. Leadership Program (60%) Leader (45%) Physical (15%) - LDAC Performance (E/S/N) - Leadership positions - Leadership attributes/skills/actions - LDAC PLT TAC Evaluation (E/S/N) - LDAC Land Navigation (1st score) PMS Experienced Based Observations PMS MSIII CER OML PMS Accessions OML PMS Accessions Potential Comments Cadet Training / Extracurricular Activities - Language / Cultural Awareness APFT (90%) - Campus (most current fall semester) - Campus (most current spring semester) - LDAC (1st score) Athletics (10%) - Varsity, Intramural, or Community Team This is the ROTC OML Model that was used in FY11 and for all you End of LDAC Commissionees this is your OML model. I hope all of you are familiar with this but I will take a minute to explain. This slide lists all the criteria that go into the Model. The numbers in green are the weighting of each of the criteria. If you add up the green numbers they will equal That is why GPA is 40% weighted 40 of There is an additional point awarded to all those that receive LDAC PLT top 5, and an additional ½ point for anyone who earns RECONDO at LDAC. Let me run thru these criteria quickly: GPA – We discussed cumm GPA for first three years of college (includes ROTC grades) LDAC Performance – This is score based on number of E, S, N’s you receive here at LDAC in leadership positions and attribute/skills/actions LDAC PLT TAC Eval – this is the TAC overall LDAC evaluation LDAC Land Nav (1st Score) – Land nav score includes written, day, and night PMS MSIII CER OML – Score based on were PMS ranked you with fellow MS III’s on your CER PMS Accessions OML – Score based on were PMS will rank you with those he is sending to the FY board PMS Accession Potential Comments – Score based on combination of how LDAC Tac and PMS evaluated your potential Training and Extracurriculars – Score based on number of training and activities you did as a Cadet/college student Language/Culture – Score based on type and number college level forgein language course taken, whether majoring in a foreign language, studied abroad or completed rosetta stone courses APFT – What did you score in most recent Spring, Fall and 1st score here at LDAC Swimming - Pass/Fail on campus and here at LDAC, Good news because they don’t do swim test here at LDAC anymore you all passed Athletic – Score based on participation in varsity, intramural or community athletics There is one more change on the horizon which should start for all those going to the FY12 board. The Army desires to increase hard science, math and engineering degrees in the cohort. To assist in this there will be incentive points awarded next build. Warrior Forge, Platoon Top Five = 1 point added to final OMS RECONDO = 0.5 point added to final OMS Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Incentive 0.5 Incentive to ADM 3 (Math/Science) and 1.0 Incentive to ADM 4 (Engineering)
Bottom line Only guarantee is to the Top 10% Every branch has something to offer All branches need QUALITY officers! Reserve Component needs QUALITY officers! Only limited numbers “can” be accessed Active Duty Only limited numbers “can” receive popular branches Accessioning is the Cadet’s Future – Treat each packet with care. Sell the outcome until Cadets are satisfied, or work an appeal PMS has potential to have an enormous impact upon Cadets’ level of satisfaction …..or dissatisfaction “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
FY12 ROTC National OML Results
FY 12 Cohort: 5,650 As of: 23 SEP 11 Commission Review: -7 National OML: (Top 20% = 1,129 DMGs) 5,643 Requesting Educational Delay (DL): 101 (Board 4-6 October 2011) Army Nurse: 213 RD Nurse: 14 Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD): 809 Non-GRFD requesting RFD: 544 Active Duty Board Eligible: 3962 Active Duty Board Eligible: 3962 Active Duty Allocation: (TOP 10% AD OML= 300) 2998* Active Duty Directed: (161) (143 SMC, 18 AD G2G) Selected RFD: 964 Component Totals: Active Duty Selectees: 2998 (total includes Medical Service, excludes 213 Nurses and 101 Ed Delay Pending) 2317 RFD Selectees: (total excludes 14 RD Nurses * Active Duty Allocation number includes 200 Medical Service less 200 withhold for FY12 End of LDAC Standby Board
**Number 1 Cadet on National OML is ARNG** “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
General Information FY 12 National OML and AD Selection National OML DMG ED Delay Pending Number 5643 1129 101 Average GPA 3.135 3.618 3.478 Order of Merit Scores Highest 101.5 Average 77.39 91.66 86.09 Lowest 47.41 86.29 73.6 **Number 1 Cadet on National OML is ARNG** Answers to FAQs “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
FY 12/13 ROTC Accessions Cohort Timeline Changes
BOLC-B Scheduling Conference 29 Nov – 1 Dec Receive RFOs from HRC End of LDAC ASD Publish Orders Receive RFOs from HRC Dec Grads ASD Publish Orders Receive RFOs from HRC ASD Publish Orders Release End of LDAC Board Results Sep 11 Nov 11 Feb - Apr 12 Last date to adjust Branch CSP selections Last chance to Change Cadet & PMS comments 218-Rs Due r Dec Grads DA/ROTC Selection and Branching Board Branch RC Cadets without a REQUEST Vacancy Hold Notification End of LDAC Standby Board Commission Review Board Educational Delay Board 4 Sep 18-20 Sep 25-27 Sept 11-14 Oct Last date to request Post for ADSO 218-Rs Due Release Ed Delay & Branching Board Results All data/comments in CCIMS for End of LDAC/ Standby Board Last date to request Grad ADSO All OML and Accession Packets complete data in CCIMS Graduation Commission All LDAC and PMS Accessions data input into CCIMS 15 Aug End of LDAC Board Sep All OML data in CCIMS Sep Commission Review Board Sep Release OML results Sep Last Branch/ADSO updates and all Cadet/PMS comment in CCIMS Oct Educational Delay Board Oct DA Branching and Selection Board Oct Ed Delay and Branching Board results released 20 Oct Last Date to adjust Post for ADSO and all CC Form 218’s due Nov Branch RC Cadets without VHR/LOA 21 Nov Cadets final Grad for ADSO selection Feb Cadets adjust Grad & Post ADSO selections 15 Aug 1 Oct 21 Nov Mar May - Jun BDE and HQCC review accessions data 14 Sep 19 Sep 20 Oct 13 Nov 26 Jan Cadets final Grad ADSO selections Release OML results (AD, RFD, DMG, Top 10%, OML) Battalion/Cadet Actions Cadets adjust branch and ADSO selections ASD Actions
DA/ROTC Selection and Branching Boards
Commission Review Board Educational Delay Board Active/Reserve Component Selection and Branching Board End of LDAC Commissionee Stand-By Board “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
Potential Commission Review Criteria
Criteria used by OML Model to flag all potential commission review files: Any “N” in a Values rating of any CER (Part V, a.) Two or more “Ns” on front side of any CER (Part V, b. Leadership Attributes/Skills/Actions) Needs Improvement on PMS Accessions Potential Comments LDAC overall “N” rating (2 or more individual “N” evaluations) Greater than two and half years since attending LDAC Bottom five percent of the OML In FY11, 9 files were found to actually be Commission Review files. Requested in Draft to DA G1 (DMPM) to change for FY12 to LDAC Overall “N” rating including (2 or more “N” evaluations at LDAC) “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
Active Duty Accession Process
(Branching Method 1-3) 1. Branch by OML until, up to 45% of each branch’s requirements are filled Top 10% of Active Duty (AD) OML receive their first branch choice If the first branch preference is unavailable, the next available branch preference of the Cadet will be awarded (2nd and 3rd Choice Only) Cadet may volunteer for the Branch for ADSO program, but not charged till after branch filled to 45% 2. Branch with an additional three-year ADSO (all after branch 45% filled) By OML Ensuring that no more than 55% of any one branch’s allocation are filled by the 1st half of the AD OML 3. Branch with an additional three-year ADSO from 2nd half (50%) of OML Remaining branch allocations (up to 80%) are filled from the 2nd half of the OML Aviation branch is filled to 100% due to AFAST and Flight Physical requirements Step 1. Top 10% of Active Duty OML are guaranteed their first branch choice. Then branching will continue by OML until up to 50% of each branch is filled. Example. Cadet was not a Top 10% and wants MP as their first choice. - They will be branched MP if allocations are still available. (not filled to 50%) - If the MP branch has already been filled to 50%, we will check if the Cadet has requested MP through the Branch for ADSO program. If they have ask for MP with an ADSO and it is available, they will be branched MP with an additional 3 yr ADSO. - If they can not receive their first choice (no more allocations (50%), and they have not volunteered for Branch for ADSO or the ADSO allocations are filled) the Cadets second choice will be considered. - They will be branched in their second choice if allocations are still available. (not filled to 50%) - If the second choice has already been filled to 50%, we will check if the Cadet has requested their second choice through the Branch for ADSO program. If they have ask for it with an ADSO and it is available, they will be branched in their second choice with an additional 3 yr ADSO. - If they can not receive their second choice (no more allocations (50%), and they have not volunteered for Branch for ADSO or the ADSO allocations are filled) the Cadets third choice will be considered as above. - If they can not receive their third choice (no more allocations, and/or they have not volunteered for Branch for ADSO or the ADSO allocations are filled) the Cadet will NOT be branched. Step 2. When the 50% limits are reached for each branch, branching will continue by OML, branching Cadets that have volunteered for the Branch for ADSO program up to 65% of the branch allocations from the top half of the AD OML. Step 3. After the branch allocations are filled to 65%, the remaining allocations will be filled from the bottom half of the AD OML, in OML order with a Branch for ADSO.
FY12 Selection and Branching (Active Duty Branch Distribution)
Basic Branch Mission First Preference Second Preference Third Preference AD 80 36 88 244 AG 192 96 179 87 AR 137 227 445 418 AV 261 15 5 CM 75 6 23 34 EN 200 246 269 379 FA 239 115 321 FI 41 58 57 49 IN 354 479 191 204 MI 437 564 432 256 MP 120 140 195 209 MS 427 205 92 OD 285 69 104 187 QM 197 73 142 124 SC 297 201 291 TC 152 52 93 Total 3198 3050 Satisfaction Data: 51.5% received their first branch choice (64.6% in FY11) 68.6% received one of their top three choices (87.3% in FY11) The combat branches (IN, AR, AV), MI, MS and EN had more Cadet requesting as a first preference than were available. Unfortunately, many of those requesting Engineers did not have an engineering degree.
Pre-Branch Allocation
FY12 Branch Fill Rates 100% 100% 100% 100% 22 100% 100% 100% 100% 14 6 100% 100% 100% 87% 23% 56% 59% 37% 50% 58% Branch MS IN AV MI EN AR FI MP SC FA AG AD SG EG QM OD TC CM Total ROTC Accessions 200 354 192 437 80 137 41 120 149 239 148 197 285 152 75 With EOCC Withheld 191 338 193 417 76 131 39 114 142 228 183 141 188 272 145 72 Pre-Branch Allocation 160 283 181 350 64 110 33 96 119 154 158 122 60 Branches that had Pre-branching due to Aviation Program University of North Dakota (8) Branches that had Pre-branch Allocations reduced to ensure 20% of Branch to DABM Cadets with Engineer Degrees, 60% of “EG” allocation considered to degreed engineers only and Cadets with select Signal Corps degrees, 50% of "SG" allocation considered
ROTC Officer ADSO More Opportunities for More Obligation
Cadets may request to participate in 1, 2, or all 3 Cadets may be selected in up to two of the Programs Participation in each program is in exchange for an additional 3-year Active Duty Service Obligation (ADSO) Branch for Service - Receive their branch of choice Post for Service - Receive their first assignment of choice Graduate School for Service - Attend full time, fully funded Graduate Program Only Cadets selected for Active Duty are eligible Selection is based on the National OML At time of request, Cadets must sign a contract addendum We have said a lot about ADSO for branching, but there are other options available for graduate school and post of choice. Remember that an ADSO is a contract addendum that you must sign by 4 October After that date an ADSO will not be considered.
Adjusted due to Detailing
FY12 (ADSO) Results 2056 of 3242 Cadets receiving Active Duty asked to participate in an ADSO option. Total selected 1622 (with Pending Post ADSO’s). GRADUATE SCHOOL Available: Requested: Selected: POST ADSO Available: (Branch/Location) Pending HRC: DUAL ADSOs Requests: - Branch/Grad - Branch/Post - Post/Grad - Branch/Post Pending - Grad/Post Pending Basic Branch Request BrADSO 1st/2nd Received BrADSO 1st/2nd Total Selected BrADSO Adjusted due to Detailing AD 22 20 21 8 29 5 AG 43 60 31 27 58 AR 165 176 50 55 AV 204 7 93 2 95 CM 3 4 EN 162 91 32 1 33 FA 68 136 39 56 FI 40 19 IN 344 70 143 MI 351 159 152 23 175 MP 90 73 48 MS 296 83 92 OD 26 12 QM 36 24 SC 133 124 45 15 TC 18 Total 1997 1105 783 187 970 1 300 537 412 352 324 248 43 90 93 17 2 3 Prime example is the Graduate School for ADSO program. In the two years (FY09/FY10) the Graduate School for ADSO program allocations we received (300) did not fill until we were halfway through the OML with 2 year scholarship Cadets. Priority for fill is 4 year scholars, DMGs, 3 year scholars, 2 year scholars, and non-scholarship Cadets. In FY11 filled our 300 allocations after depleting the 4 year scholars and AD Top 10% requests for Graduate School for ADSO. This year we went to non-scholarship Cadets before exhausting available Grad ADSOs. Change in Branch ADSOs due to increased withhold for DABM, EOD program, Engineer program, Signal Corps program, and forced branch details. 7 Branch ADSO’s were removed due to detailing in AD (5), FI (2). 1. Additional Grad School allocations may be received after DEC 11. All Post ADSO requests subject to HRC branch/location. BRADSO As of: 25 OCT 11
FY12 Educational Delay Board
M E D EDUCATIONAL DELAY 6 5 Branch Maximum Requirement Files Reviewed # Selected for Educational Delay % Selected for Educational Delay Average GPA Average PT Score CH 30 21 70% 3.33 273 JA 50 26 18 36% 3.48 269 DC 13 2 15% 3.39 263 MC 20 33 28 140% 3.59 275 MS 10 9 8 80% 3.51 281 SP 3 5 100% 3.45 VC 4 3.37 270 Total 130 100 84 65% 272 Educational Delay The Educational Delay (DL) Board is conducted prior to the Selection and Branching of Active Duty and Reserve Forces Duty. Approximately 135 Cadets may be selected to pursue a law degree, an advanced degree that will qualify them for a commission in one of the Medical Corps branches, or a religious degree prior to entry onto active duty. Specific information regarding each specialty is found in CC Cir Any Educational Delay selectees who do not complete the course of instruction or are not selected for active duty accession as a JAGC, AMEDD, or CH Corps officer will fulfill their obligation through Active Duty/RFD based on the needs of the Army. Those not selected for Educational Delay will be considered for Active Duty/RFD selection and branching with the remainder of the ROTC cohort. Cadets must have a complete hard-copy Educational Delay packet submitted to stand the ED Delay Board (Must have test scores) Board consists of DA appointed officer in each specialty making selections If selected for ED Delay, accession to Active Duty is delayed to allow the officer to secure advanced degree and branch in desired professional branch after securing degrees and/or passing exams.
Reserve Component Selection
Reserve Component Selection Process All Dedicated ARNG/USAR GRFD holders awarded “ARNG/USAR” and removed from consideration Simultaneous Membership Program Cadets requesting the component they are currently serving in receive that component and removed from consideration By OML Cadets awarded Component of Choice “ARNG” or “USAR” until component allocation filled. When one Component reaches its mission/ distribution all lower on OML awarded remaining Component All Cadets selected for Reserve Forces Duty received a component from the Selection and Branching Board. This was a three step process. All Cadets possessing a “Dedicated ARNG” GRFD scholarship were awarded ARNG as their component and removed from the RC OML. The remaining RC Cadets are provided Component of Choice (USAR or ARNG) by OML until one of the Components reaches its mission/ distribution. After one component reaches its mission distribution the remaining Cadets are directed to the component that has not yet met mission/ distribution. For this years Cohort the RC Choice Line was at 1956 on RC OML with an OMS score of % of all RC Cadets received there choice of components. “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
Changes for FY12 All Cadets must select one of the following branch’s in their top Four (4) branch choices (MI, SC, MP, AG, QM, TC, CM, MS, OD, FI) All Medically Qualified Males MUST select two of the following branch’s in their top Four (4) branch choices (IN, FA, AR, AD, AV, EN) “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
Changes for FY12 (cont’) 50% of the Signal Corps (SC) branch allocations will be withheld exclusively for Cadets with degrees listed below. Cadets with these degrees who select SC and do not volunteer for Branch Detail will not be Branch Detailed. Business Information Systems Communications Systems Computer Science Computer Information Systems Information Resources Management Information & Operations Management Information Technology Information System Security/Assurance Management Information Systems Mathematical Sciences Systems Analysis Systems Management Telecommunications Telecommunications Management. Computer Engineering Computer Systems Engineering Communications Systems Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical And Computer Engineering Engineering Management Engineering Physics Information Systems Engineering Software Engineering Systems Engineering Telecommunications Systems Engineering. Cyber warfare is a large part of the battle today. Our network capabilities are a critical force multiplier. That makes our networks a target for hostile entities. Signal Corps needs these academic majors yesterday. This year, 50% of the active duty SC slots are for these academic majors.
FY12 Selection and Branching (Branch Detailing)
Army Branch Detail requirement of 449 No top 10% non-volunteer required to detail DA Restriction of “No More Than” 4% Female to FA Branch and 30% Female to CM Branch Volunteers considered first, board directed to distribute quality for those forced to be detailed Detail Branches AD AG FI SC MI Cadets requesting Signal Corps with the academic majors previously listed will not be detailed Donor Branches You must be in one of the donor branches for branch detail. The donor branches do not need a lot of LTs but they do need CPTs and MAJs. Therefore, the donor branches LOAN LTs to the detail branches. Last year, most of the detail LTs were from those who volunteered. I know if you are passionate about infantry or armor but feel you may not get those branches, put one of the donor branches as 2nd or third choice and volunteer for the branch you want. At least you have a chance of doing a first tour in that branch. Later I’ll talk about the VTIP program where you could make it permanent. Remember the Needs of the Army. When you detail you are on loan, so the donor branch will pull you back if they have to have you. Detail Branches CM FA AR IN
Rollover Cadets from previous year(s) (slip grads, 5-year majors, extenuating circumstances {injury, pregnant, security clearance, legal) Green to Gold Active Duty Option (Can not have a Break in Service) Distinguished Military Graduates (New for FY12 and beyond) Cadet desires (can the Cadet meet travel requirement/does Cadet have other plans [marriage, travel, etc]) LDAC/LTC 2LT Cadre - (must have follow-on BOLC seat to prevent excessive snow birding) “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
TRICARE 708 WHAT IS TRICARE 708: A medical coverage plan that provides Health care benefits (medical and dental) for newly commissioned 2LTs awaiting accession onto Active duty in any facility of any Armed Service or enrollment in either TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Prime Remote. FACTS: Currently, Title 10, USC, 1074(a), the 2004 National Defense Authorization Act and Health Affairs Policy provides for medical and dental care to newly commissioned 2LTs . Newly commissioned 2LTs have the same priority for care as Active Duty Service Members. Newly commissioned 2LTs are not eligible to have any other health care insurance to meet the eligibility requirements of Title 10, USC, 1074(a) for TRICARE 708 coverage. National Defense Authorization Act of 2004 H. R. 1588—139 SEC ELIGIBILITY OF RESERVE OFFICERS FOR HEALTH CARE PENDING ORDERS TO ACTIVE DUTY FOLLOWING COMMISSIONING. Section 1074(a) of title 10, United States Code, is amended—(1) by inserting ‘‘(1)’’ after ‘‘(a)’’; (2) by striking ‘‘who is on active duty’’ and inserting ‘‘described in paragraph (2)’’; and (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:‘‘(2) Members of the uniformed services referred to in paragraph are as follows: ‘(A) A member of a uniformed service on active duty. ‘‘(B) A member of a reserve component of a uniformed service who has been commissioned as an officer if— ‘‘(i) the member has requested orders to active duty for the member’s initial period of active duty following the commissioning of the member as an officer; ‘‘(ii) the request for orders has been approved; ‘‘(iii) the orders are to be issued but have not been issued; and ‘‘(iv) the member does not have health care insurance and is not covered by any other health benefits plan.’’. “TRIED, PROVEN AND READY!”
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