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Impedance of R/L/C 18-2 Prof. Seewhy Lee. 1. 교류회로의 임피던스와 위상차 2. 저항 3. 축전기 4. 인덕터.

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Presentation on theme: "Impedance of R/L/C 18-2 Prof. Seewhy Lee. 1. 교류회로의 임피던스와 위상차 2. 저항 3. 축전기 4. 인덕터."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impedance of R/L/C 18-2 Prof. Seewhy Lee

2 1. 교류회로의 임피던스와 위상차 2. 저항 3. 축전기 4. 인덕터

3 1. 교류회로의 임피던스와 위상차

4 2. 저항

5 3. 축전기

6 4. 인덕터

7 Impedance & Phase Difference Load Impedance Large Impedance  Small Current

8 Impedance of a Resistor 1 Ohm’s Law

9 Impedance of a Capacitor


11 Capacitor vs. Inductor

12 Transduction of Sound & Image through Microphone & CCD Modulation (Coding) Oscillation Circuit Transmission into Space Receiving by Resonating Circuit Demodulation (Decoding) Transduction of Electrical Signal into Sound and Image Telecommunication (1898-)

13 Thanks for your attention~!! Prof. Seewhy Lee

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