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Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 1 Annual meeting of national representatives to NATO/RTO and EDA/R&T 16 february.

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Presentation on theme: "Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 1 Annual meeting of national representatives to NATO/RTO and EDA/R&T 16 february."— Presentation transcript:

1 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 1 Annual meeting of national representatives to NATO/RTO and EDA/R&T 16 february 2011 RHID Department RSTD

2 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 2 (BE) RTO-EDA meeting KHID 16 Feb 2011 Maj Van de Schoor

3 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 3 Agenda  09.00 – 09.15intro + voorstelling all  09.15 – 10.00 briefing on NATO RTBNC  10.00 – 10.15 briefing on EDA R&TNC  10.15 – 10.45ESA activiteiten in EDA en RTO guest  10.45 – 11.00 coffee  11.00 – 11.30 AVT + GEM1 & GEM2  11.30 – 12.00 HFM + ESM 04  12.00 – 12.30IST + IAP 04  12.30 – 14.00 lunch  14.00 – 14.30SAS + ESM1 + GEM3  14.30 – 15.00 SCI + IAP3 (15’ + 15’)  15.00 – 15.30 SET + IAP2 (15’ + 15’)  15.30 – 16.00 NMSG + ESM3 (15’ + 15’)  16.00 – 16.15 Recommendations & conclusions Dir

4 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 4 RSTD ----- Département Gestion de la recherche scientifique et technologique de la Défense Jean-Paul MARCEL, Ir Capitaine de Vaisseau Directeur

5 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 5 RSTD: ORGANISATION Data Acquisition & Processing (DAP) Cdt Thierry GERARD, Ir Data Acquisition & Processing (DAP) Cdt Thierry GERARD, Ir

6 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 6 R&T Strategic Objectives T1Optimisation de l’enseignement académique en sciences exactes et appliquées T2Optimisation de l’enseignement académique en sciences sociales, militaires et du comportement T3Disponibilité des systèmes existants T4Disponibilité des systèmes futurs T5Protection contre les menaces classiques T6Protection contre les nouvelles menaces T7Développement d’une vision long terme pour la sécurité T8Recherche suite à des questions et des développements au sein de la Défense T9Recherche suite à des questions et des développements externes à la Défense

7 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 7 R&T Niches

8 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 8 BE STRUCTUUR RTO (2011) * = voting member RTB Capt (Navy) J.P. MARCEL LtCol F. ROUVROI Kol C. DEWILDE Nationale Coordinatie Maj VAN DE SCHOOR NMSG PANEL *Dr. ARCHER (Maj STERPIN) IMC (Maj v/h Vlw NECKEBROEK) SAS PANEL * Maj LETENS * Maj JANCY (Cdt Van Utterbeeck) IST PANEL *Prof. VERLINDE Cdt GERARD MaL SET PANEL *Dr VANDEWAL Prof. VAN LIL Prof. VERLY HFM PANEL *Kol NEIRINCKX Maj Psy VEREYCKEN SCI PANEL *Kapt LAUWENS Kol DUHAMEL *Prof. BAUDOIN LtCol ROUVROI Prof. HIRSCH AVT PANEL Patrick HENDRICK civ Prof. Tony ARTS VKI

9 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 9 National Support (reminder) general principles  Niv 1 & Niv 2 : supported by RHID RTB (2X/y) PBM (2X/y)  Niv 3: - nominated by NC (initiated by Panel member) - supported by DG/ACOS (or other resources) - exceptionally examined by RHID  but !! before engagement, ask national support  ET’s: - start on panel initiative (to prepare WG, SM, SY, …) - short period (6 months-1 y) - participation if backed-up by national priority

10 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 10 Aim  from each panel : –what’s on going (activities w Belgian interest)? –What’s new for the future (interest for Belgium)?  to each panel –Info on RTB meetings/priorities –programma RHID (strategy, cycle,…) –Guidance/steering from RHID

11 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 11 Leadership  RTB chairman (Apr 2009) Dr. R. WALKER (CAN)  RTA Dir (01 Jul 2009) MGen A. HUSNIAUX (BEL)

12 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 12 Meetings in 2010-2011 SPSFRA09-11 Mar ExecFRA29 - 30 Mar FallBUL (Sofia)21 - 23 Sep RTB 2011 RTB 2012 SPSFRAMar ExecFRA29 - 31 Mar FallUSA (Norfolk)3rd week Sep SPSFRA10 - 12 Mar ExecFRA30 – 31 Mar FallEST (Tallin)21 - 24 Sep RTB 2010

13 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 13 NC meeting  21 Sep 2011  on-line appointment technical activities website –Approve Appointments BEL test case; still on-going (complex)  New Exec in 2011 for : HFM, IST, SAS, SCI

14 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 14 Plenary 22-23 Sep (1/3)  31 nations (!) present  Briefing EST: R&D spending 2.0 Mio € niches: - C-IED - Cyber Defence (hosting CoE) - Software technology  New NATO strategic concept Stress on “Security” instead of “Defence” see also NATO Reform

15 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 15 Plenary 22-23 Sep (2/3)  Panel reports –AVT 167 Service life determination & Health monitoring of munitions –HFM :integrate Ops Med & human protection HFM 147 : advanced hearing protection –IST 068 XML in cross domain security solutions (10 nations) IST 069 : Protected core networking (12 nations!) –SAS066: Joint Ops 2030 –SCI 179 Adaptive camouflage SCI 184 Air Defence systems –SET124 THz technology SET 114 Urban, indoor and subterrenean navigation systems –NMSG: link with new CoE in ITA on M&S

16 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 16 Plenary 22-23 Sep (3/3)  PFP, MD presentations: FIN : Co-operative RT in FIN defense forces CHE : Security research ISR : UAV’s: 40 year of Ops use! AUS : DSTO  Presentations available

17 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 17 Von Karman + Scientific Achievement Award  Von Karman Mr James RAMAGE (USA) SCI  Scientific Achievement Award SET 100 : SCI 178 : Candidates 2012 ??

18 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 18 Exec Session  NATO Reform: started spring 2010 Agencies: 14  2-3 agencies Command structure: 12800  8900 Pers Commitees: 413  203  <100 Approval at Lisbon summit (Nov 2010)  Implications RTO –Unifiying concept NTSE (NATO Science & Technology Entreprise –« Chief Scientist »: Sr scientific advisor –NATO S&T Board  Implementation: from 2011 onwards  Round table S&T 31 Mar 2011 at NATO HQ Aim: Improve value of R&T for nations and NATO

19 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 19 R&T Sy (New) –Potential Topics: Countering Improvised Explosive Devices Use and Generation of Images for Defense Defense and Security –Possible Format : : Minimum one day, maximum two days Presentations on invitation only Not parallel to any of the board activities As a rule in close connection to Board meetings –expected Audience : Members of the RTB high level Members of NATO national defense bodies research institutions

20 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 20 R&T summit  Follow on of fall 2008 R&T day decided 3-yearly  When : Fall 2011 at NATO HQ (TBC)  Theme: New NATO S&T Strategy Strategy (TBC)

21 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 21 concerns  Decreasing number of activities in panels reasons?? –National budget cuts –Difficulties entering in internat collab –Critical (Max) volume of manageable activities reached To be discussed in the panels  Reporting (nationally)!!

22 Royal High Institute for Defence 27 Jan 2010Presentation to Nat RepsSlide 22

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