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The Future Tense Regular and Irregular 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future Tense Regular and Irregular 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future Tense Regular and Irregular 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

2 The Future Tense You can express the future tense in Spanish in three ways. One way is using the present tense with a time expression. El tren sale a las 7 de la mañana. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

3 The Future Tense Second way is by using ir + a + infinitive.
El próximo año voy a visitar a mis amigos de Europa. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

4 The Future Tense A third way is to use the future tense.
In the future tense, there is only one type of ending for all the conjugations. For most verbs, future is formed by attaching the endings to the infinitive. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

5 Future endings for –ar, -er and –ir verbs
Yo é Tú ás Él, ella á Ud. Ns. emos Vs. éis Ellos/as án Uds. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

6 The Future Tense Mañana aprenderemos mas sobre el futuro.
Tomorrow we shall learn more about future. Mi hermano será doctor. My brother will be a doctor. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

7 The Future Tense – Irregular verbs
The verbs hacer,tener, poder, and saber, have irregular stems in the future tense: har-, tendr-, podr-, and sabr-, The endings are the same as for regular verbs. é, ás, á, emos, éis, án 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

8 Haber  auxiliary verb Present Tense  Hay = there is
Past tense  Hubo = there was Future  Habrá = there will be Haber  Habr  the stem eg. Habrá muchas oportunidades para practicar el español cuando vas a visitar España. 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

9 Future: Other Irregular Verbs
Other verbs that have irregular stems in the future tense are: Decir dir- Poner pondr- Querer querr- Salir saldr- Venir vendr- 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

10 4/23/2017 EMA MATEICA - SOSA

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