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The social media MUST for Colleges. 1. The History 2. The Opportunity 3. And the Obligation.

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Presentation on theme: "The social media MUST for Colleges. 1. The History 2. The Opportunity 3. And the Obligation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The social media MUST for Colleges

2 1. The History 2. The Opportunity 3. And the Obligation

3 the last four media REVOLUTION S

4 -550 years

5 -200 years

6 -150 years

7 -100 years

8 MediaGroupsConversations Printing Press Telephone Film Television

9 -20 years

10 MediaGroupsConversations Printing Press Telephone Film Television Web

11 the internet is the first medium in history to support many to many

12 the transformed media landscape

13 This has changed the rules of production and consumption FOREVER

14 Today we’re going through the largest increase in expressive capability in human history. -Clay Shirky

15 Years to 100 Million Users Fancy Chart Source: Freakonomics

16 Marketing has changed more in the last 24 months than it has in the last 50 years

17 Main News Source, By Age Pew Research Center Dec 1 - 5 2010 Figures add to more than 100% because respondents could volunteer up to two main sources.

18 Main Source of Influence, By Age

19 Pew Research Center Dec 1 - 5 2010 Figures add to more than 100% because respondents could volunteer up to two main sources.


21 be relevant

22 56% won’t accept a job that bans social media

23 60% think they have the right to work remotely with a flexible schedule

24 1 in 3 students prioritize social media access & smartphone choice over salary


26 the fastest-growing resource in the world is social capital

27 at a time when resource consumption is growing faster than resource production

28 it is incumbent upon all college leaders to take advantage of the momentum platform that social media presents

29 @jeffsage

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