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For the sake of argument: crowdsourcing annotation of Macpherson’s Ossian. R EBECCA B ARR & J USTIN T ONRA

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Presentation on theme: "For the sake of argument: crowdsourcing annotation of Macpherson’s Ossian. R EBECCA B ARR & J USTIN T ONRA"— Presentation transcript:

1 For the sake of argument: crowdsourcing annotation of Macpherson’s Ossian. R EBECCA B ARR & J USTIN T ONRA

2 Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760; 1st ed.) Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760; 2nd ed.) Fingal (1762; 2nd ed.) Fingal (1762; 1st ed.) Temora (1763) Works of Ossian (1765; 2 vols) Poems of Ossian (1773; 2 vols) R EVIS ED R EISS UE I NCORPORAT ED WITH REVISIONS I NCORPORATED WITH >400 REVISIONS “C AREFULLY CORRECTED, AND GREATLY IMPROVED ” “M UTILATE D ”

3 Ossian: ‘a text of the margins’. Fiona Stafford, Introduction, The Poems of Ossian, ed. Howard Gaskill (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1996), p. viii. Below: Annotations in J.F. Campbell’s copy of Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760), National Library of Scotland.

4 1765 - 1773 editions: visualising textual change 1765, Works of Ossian 1773, Poems of Ossian

5 1.Archive of texts 2.Critical edition 3.Crowdsource d annotation environment


7 “[W]e need to extend our understanding of the scholarly edition in light of new models of edition production that embrace social networking and its commensurate tools…to consider the social edition as an extension of the traditions in which it is situated and which it has the potential to inform productively” Siemens, Ray et al. “Pertinent Discussions Toward Modeling the Social Edition: Annotated Bibliographies.” Digital Humanities Quarterly 6.1 (2012): n. pag.


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