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Task IN-05 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 IIB AIP-7 (May 1 st ) Reporting: Bart De Lathouwer (OGC)

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Presentation on theme: "Task IN-05 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 IIB AIP-7 (May 1 st ) Reporting: Bart De Lathouwer (OGC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task IN-05 GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 IIB AIP-7 (May 1 st ) Reporting: Bart De Lathouwer (OGC)

2 Task IN-05 What is AIP Develops and deploys new process and infrastructure components for GCI and broader GEOSS architecture. Requirements from user needs and community scenario. Results conveyed to the GEO Implementation Boards for consideration as operational elements. 2

3 Task IN-05 AIP-7 will be different –Based on feedback from GEO-X –Based on user requirements –Focus on apps

4 Task IN-05 AIP-7 Key-apps Why Apps? –Data to Knowledge Show value of the data to the user –Do something before everything Pilot –Based on SBA expert interviews Championed by field users; and ideally stimulate interest in providing more data to GEOSS 4

5 Task IN-05 Key-apps Promote the benefit of having standards-based services registered with GEOSS Championed by field users; and ideally stimulate interest in providing more data to GEOSS Provide a real-world test of operational protocol and format standards which may provide useful information for standards revision, adoption and documentation. 5

6 Task IN-05 Requirements Cross SBA –“Desilofication” Beyond visualization –Data analytics, simulations, graphs, tables, … As Real-Time as possible Easy to use –For decision makers Interactive –Model or alert interfaces 6

7 Task IN-05 Cross-Task Activities (pls propose 2-3 activities along with practical actions) Key-apps will be designed to address specific user-driven problems: –Flood and drought Monitoring, Food security and Energy management –Environmental monitoring using Mobile Sensors, Citizen Observatories, Crowd Sourcing –Wind and Solar Energy Potential Estimator –Earth cover change detection –Ocean observations & commercial fisheries

8 Task IN-05 Supporting activities Mobile & web development frameworks User authentication & SSO Geoprocessing workflows Support for registration and re-use of key apps and data sources Use metrics Tutorials, Data & Service Quality Capacity Building Documentation 8

9 Task IN-05 23 (25) Responses (> 100 organizations involved): Univ Geneva Jaxa SmartOpenData SDI4Apps ETT Chile PLM INCOSE GEOSS Water Services CMRE, TerraDue Jacobs Univ. 9 Compusult UHawaii CITI-SENSE CITI-SENSE-MOB CEIBA GMU CSISS BGS NASA/Vightel, SGT NASA, IDEAM, NOAA INGV POGO/AWI/SAHFOS SECOORA

10 Task IN-05 10 SBA Organisation HeClWeDmAgWaBdEnOceanEco Uni. Geneva Models Jaxa GEOSS Water Services SmartOpenDat a ST SDI4Apps ST ETT App Chile App Plymouth Marine Lab Fish Farm App INCOSE GEOSS Water Services X Compusult app framework Uni. Hawaii data, looks for app dev support CITI-SENSE App, App Framework Citi-Sense- MOD Data CEIBA App (forest cover and carbon content) NASA, IDEAM, NOAA app BGS App GMU app NASA, Vightel, SGT app (social netw) INGV app volcanic ash (crowd sourced) NATO (CMRE), TerraDue data JacobdsCSW server POGO/AWI/SA HFOS plakton app SECOORA app

11 Task IN-05 11

12 Task IN-05 Agenda: Understand before being understood 09:3009:45Intro, goals for the kickofff 09:4511:30Go over responses ( Understanding 11:3012:30Initial WG Grouping and discussion Strengthening the Inner Self 12:3013:00Lunch on your own (in WMO building) Understanding 13:0013:30Finalize WG Grouping and recap for people joining the meeting (US) Understood 13:3016:00Break-out session (various groups) 16:0017:00 Reporting back, discussion, WG goals (scenario, schedule) 17:0017:20 Conclusion and next steps 17:2017:30Wrap-up 12

13 Task IN-05 Thank you. Questions?

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