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Evolution of High-Redshift Quasars Xiaohui Fan University of Arizona Castel Gandolfo, Oct 2005 Collaborators: Strauss,Schneider,Richards, Hennawi,Gunn,Becker,White,Rix,Pentericci,

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of High-Redshift Quasars Xiaohui Fan University of Arizona Castel Gandolfo, Oct 2005 Collaborators: Strauss,Schneider,Richards, Hennawi,Gunn,Becker,White,Rix,Pentericci,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of High-Redshift Quasars Xiaohui Fan University of Arizona Castel Gandolfo, Oct 2005 Collaborators: Strauss,Schneider,Richards, Hennawi,Gunn,Becker,White,Rix,Pentericci, Walter, Carilli,Cox,Bertoldi,Omont,Brandt, Vestergaard,Eisenstein, Cool, Jiang, Diamond- Stanic, et al.

2 The Highest Redshift Quasars Today z>4: >1000 known z>5: >60 z>6: 9 SDSS i-dropout Survey: –By Spring 2005: 6600 deg 2 at z AB <20 –Nineteen luminous quasars at z>5.7 Complete sample for bright quasars at z~6: –~8000 deg, ~25 quasars by 2006 Next: work on faint sample at z~6


4 Outline Evolution of luminosity function BH masses at high-z High-z quasar clustering and environment Evolution of quasar spectra and metallicity Dust and star formation in high-z quasar host galaxies

5 46,420 Quasars from the SDSS Data Release Three wavelength 4000 A9000 A redshift 0 1 2 3 5 Ly  CIV CIII MgII HH OIII FeII Ly  forest

6 Evolution of quasar densities Exponential decline of quasar density at high redshift, different from normal galaxies, mostly luminosity dependent Richards et al. 2005, Fan e al. 2005 SFR of galaxies Density of quasars Bouwens et al.

7 Quasar Density at z~6 From SDSS i-dropout survey –Density declines by a factor of ~40 from between z~2.5 and z~6 Cosmological implication –M BH ~10 9-10 M sun –M halo ~ 10 12-13 M sun –rare, 5-6 sigma peaks at z~6 (density of 1 per Gpc 3) Assembly of massive dark matter halo environment? Assembly of supermassive BHs? Fan et al. 2004

8 Simulating z~6 Quasars The largest halo in Millennium simulation (500 Mpc cube) at z=6.2 –Virial mass 5x10 12 M_sun –Stellar mass 5x10 10 M_sun –SFR: 300 M_sun/year –Resembles properties of SDSS quasars –Even the largest N-body simulation not big enough to produce one SDSS z~6 quasar… –Today: 1.5 x 10 15 M_sun cluster –Much massive halos existed at z~6, but.. How to assemble such mass BHs and their host galaxies in less than 1Gyr?? –The universe was ~20 t edd old –Initial assembly from seed BH at z>>10 –Little or no feedback to stop BH/galaxy growth z=6.2 z=0 Dark mattergalaxy Springel et al. 2005

9 Early Growth of Supermassive Black Holes Vestergaard 2004 Dietrich and Hamann 2004 Billion solar mass BH at z~6 indicates very early growth of BHs in the Universe Formation timescale (assuming Eddington) Lack of spectral evolution in high-redshift quasars  quasar BH estimate valid at high-z BH mass estimate: using emission line width to approximate gravitational velocity, accurate to a factor of 3 – 5 locally

10 Evolution of X-ray AGN LF -- downsizing At high-luminosity: X-ray and optical traces the same population How does optically-selected quasar population evolve at low-luminosity? Hasinger et al. 2005

11 Evolution of the Shape of Quasar LF Richards et al. 2005

12 Evolution of Quasar LF Shape High-z quasar LF different from low-z –Bright-end slope of QLF is a strong function of redshift –Transition at z~3 (where quasar density peaks in the universe) – Different formation mechanism at low and high-z? Richards, et al.; Fan et al. 2005

13 Probing the Evolution of Faint Quasar SDSS Southern Deep Spectroscopic Survey –270 deg along Fall Equator in the Southern Galactic Cap –Down to ~25 mag in SDSS bands with repeated imaging –Spectroscopic follow-up using 300-fiber Hectospec spectrograph on 6.5-meter MMT –Reaches AGN luminosity at z~2.5 –Few hundred faint quasars at z>3 –10 – 20 at z~6

14 Evolution of faint quasars in SDSS Deep Survey Jiang et al. in prep. Sample reaches AGN luminosity at z~3 Strong evolution in LF shape Simple luminosity evolution clearly not a good description “break” luminosity evolves: -- downsizing faint end slope also evolve: -- steeper at high-z?

15 Downsizing of optical quasars

16 High-z QLF from SDSS Deep Stripe Survey High-z quasar LF different from low-z –High-z LF much flatter –Implies that more luminous quasars grow early in the Universe Similar to the early growth of massive galaxies?? –Quasars are not major contributors to reionization at z>6 z ~ 4.5 (low-z) (high-z) Fan et al. 2005

17 Quasar Two-point Correlation Function from SDSS at z<2.5 Van den Berk et al. in preparation

18 Clustering of Quasars What does quasar clustering tell us? –Bias factor of quasars  average DM halo mass –Clustering provides the most effective probe to the statistical properties of quasar host DM properties at high- redshift Another hint of quasars at z>3 being somewhat different from low-z quasars? Fan et al. in preparation Wyithe and Loeb 2004

19 Environment of a z=6.3 quasar Deep VLT i-z-J imaging 19 i-dropout candidates in 38 sq. arcmin at z<25.6 >6 times higher than in GOODS etc. (also Stiavelle et al. 2005) izJ composite (z_lim =26) Pentericci et al. quasar

20 NV OI SiIV Ly a Ly a forest Rapid chemical enrichment in quasar vicinity Quasar env has supersolar metallicity -- metal lines, CO, dust etc. High-z quasars and their environments mature early on The Lack of Evolution in Quasar Intrinsic Spectral Properties

21 Chemical Enrichment at z>>6? Strong metal emission  consistent with supersolar metallicity NV emission  multiple generation of star formation from enriched pops Fe II emission  type II SNe… some could be Pop III? Question: can we generalize the conclusion drawn from regions around central BHs to the whole early Universe? Fan et al. 2001 Barth et al. 2003

22 Early enrichment of quasars Venkatesan et al. 2004 Metallicity in BLR of z~6 quasars: 1 -- 10 solar Nuclear synthesis model shows: –Normal IMF is sufficient (given high SFR) –Type Ia is not critical in Fe production –Mostly Pop III under- produce N/C –“normal” stars existed at very high-z in quasar environment. Top-heavy IMF Normal IMF PopIII

23 Lack of evolution in X-ray X-ray - optical slope X-ray photon index Strateva et al.; Shemmer et al.

24 z~6 Quasar SEDs: from X-ray to radio Lack of evolution in UV, emission line and X-ray  disk and emission line regions form in very short time scale old quasars in a young universe… But how about dust? Timescale problem: running out of time for AGB dust… Spitzer… dust

25 Mid-IR SEDs of z~6 Quasars Overall shape shows little evolution But obj-obj variation significant –z=6.42 quasar: stronger dust emission with higher T? Min. from dust sublimation

26 BH mass distribution McLure et al. SDSS DR 1 Fan et al. >1000 quasars at z>3 CIV  Upper Limit? How fast can the most massive high-z BH grow? Will it be stopped by negative feedback? L~M

27 BH Accretion Rate z<3 z>3

28 Evolution of Quasar BH Mass Function Lack of spectral evolution: –Similar BLR structure –BH mass scaling relation at low-z still valid at high-z Quasar mass function: represents accretion history traced by luminous quasars Not surprisingly, closely follows evolution of luminosity function: –Flatter MF at high-z –Probing evolution of accretion rate? –At z>2: MF shape similar and flat at high-mass end, but the shape different at low-z Vestergaard et al.

29 Probing the Host Galaxy Assembly Spitzer ALMA  Dust torus  Cool Dust in host galaxy

30 Sub-mm and Radio Observation of High-z Quasars Probing dust and star formation in the most massive high-z systems Advantage: –No host galaxy contamination –Negative K-correction for both continuum and line luminosity at high-z –Give direction measurement to Star formation rate Gas morphology Gas kinematics

31 Sub-mm and Radio Observation of High-z Quasars Using IRAM and SCUBA: ~30% of radio-quiet quasars at z>4 detected at 1mm (observed frame) at 1mJy level  submm radiation in radio-quiet quasars come from thermal dust with mass ~ 10 8 M sun If dust heating came from starburst  star formation rate of 500 – 2000 M sun /year  Quasars are likely sites of intensive star formation FIR luminosity not correlated with UV luminosity of quasar Arp 220 Bertoldi et al. 2003

32 PSS J2322+1944 (z=4.12) CO Einstein ring –Modeled by star- forming disk with 2kpc radius –CO line-width 280km/s –BH Mass ~10^9 solar –Star formation rate 900 solar mass/year 15 detections of CO at z>2 (5/6 known CO sources at z>4 are quasars) Carilli et al. 2003

33 Submm, CO and CII detection in the highest-redshift quasar Dust mass: 10 8 – 10 9 M sun H 2 mass: 10 10 M sun Star formation rate: 10 3 /yr  co-formation of SBH and young galaxies Mailino et al. 2005

34 High-resolution CO Observation of z=6.42 Quasar Spatial Distribution –Radius ~ 2 kpc –Two peaks separated by 1.7 kpc Velocity Distribution –CO line width of 280 km/s –Dynamical mass within central 2 kpc: ~ 10 10 M_sun –Total bulge mass ~ 10 11 M_sun < M-sigma prediction BH formed before complete galaxy assembly? caution: selection effect when using luminous quasars Walter et al. 2004 1 kpc VLA CO 3—2 map  60 km/s  Channel Maps

35 High-z vs. Low-z Quasars LF evolution: –Strong evolution in total density –Downsizing of characteristic luminosity –At z>3: Declining density Flatter LF/MF Stronger clustering –Are high-z and low-z quasars different? Spectral evolution: –Little or no evolution in continuum/emission line properties –Dust properties might have changed –High-metallicity requires presence of evolved stellar pop at high-z –How does this constrain host evolution? BH/galaxy co-evolution –Billion solar-mass BH at the end of reionization –Strong star-formation associated with BH growth –Has M-sigma relation established at high-z?

36 Question Should one be surprised about the existence of luminous, high-mass, high metallicity quasars at the end of reionization?

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