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Ms. Bilskemper English 12. Aesthetic (us-THET-ik), adjective  Def: of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful.  Synonyms: refined,

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Bilskemper English 12. Aesthetic (us-THET-ik), adjective  Def: of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful.  Synonyms: refined,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Bilskemper English 12

2 Aesthetic (us-THET-ik), adjective  Def: of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful.  Synonyms: refined, gorgeous, pleasing  Antonyms: displeasing, unattractive, ugly  “The artist, whose painting lacked any aesthetic quality whatsoever, was disappointed when a critic described his painting as hideous and lacking any artistic genius.”

3 Anathema (uh-NATH-uh-muh), noun  Def: a person or thing detested or loathed  Synonyms: abomination, bane, enemy  Antonyms: blessing, delight, joy  “She made coffee, went to the post office, and took care of the copying, but conventional office hours or work routines were anathema to her” (Larsson 39).

4 Equivocal (ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl), adjective  Def: allowing the possibility of several different meanings; of doubtful nature or character  Syn.: ambiguous, questionable, suspicious  Ant.: clear, definite, obvious  “The student was good at writing equivocal answers, hoping to earn points on the quiz without really knowing the material.”

5 Bumptious (BUMP-shuss), adjective  Def: overbearing or crudely (self) assertive; overly pushy  Syn.: pushy, brash, cocky  Ant.: humble, modest, polite  “We had difficulty crossing the border because Nan got into a squabble with a BUMPTIOUS border guard.”

6 Crapulous (KRAP-yuh-luss), adjective  Def: describes someone who eats and drinks too much, or the effects of eating and drinking too much.  Syn.: polluted, gluttonous, befuddled  Ant.: clear-headed, abstinent, temperate  “Jim spent the day after the party in a CRAPULOUS state.”

7 Febrile (FEE-brul), adjective  Def: That which is marked by an elevated body temperature; feverish  Syn: delirious, fevered, fiery  Ant: cold, freezing, frigid  “Due to Mother’s current FEBRILE condition, we are uneasy about her going on vacation with us.”

8 Ambrosial (am-BROH-zhuhl), adjective  Exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell  Syn.: delightful, heavenly, luscious  Ant.: cursed, despicable, detestable  “My favorite fruit is pineapple; it has such an AMBROSIAL effect on my taste buds.”

9 Gesticulate (je-STIK-yuh-leyt), verb  Def.: to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner  Syn.: gesture, motion, wave, signal  Ant.: speak  “They shouted and GESTICULATED, pointing at him.”

10 Efface ( ih-FEYS), verb  Def.: To wipe out or to do away with  Syn.: erase, obliterate, destroy  Ant.: keep, restore, validate  “The intellectual part of his nature was already EFFACED; he had power only to feel, and feeling was torment.”

11 Incessant (in-SES-uhnt), adjective  Def.: continuing without interruption  Syn.: constant, continuous, never- ending  Ant.: ceasing, completed, concluded, ending, finished  “The dark uniforms of the men were coated with the dust from the INCESSANT wresting of the two armies.”

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