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National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) Introducing the Research Grant Awardees and Future Activities Nur A. Khondaker Research.

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Presentation on theme: "National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) Introducing the Research Grant Awardees and Future Activities Nur A. Khondaker Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme (NFPCSP) Introducing the Research Grant Awardees and Future Activities Nur A. Khondaker Research Grant Administrator NFPCSP, FAO December 5, 2007 RDEC Conference Room, LGED, Agargaon, Dhaka

2 Scrutiny for Admissibility RGA examined the admissibility of each proposal as per set criteria in the Guidelines Admissible and Non-Admissible A list of the admissible and non- admissible proposals was prepared along with their budget Deadline to Submit Up to 7 June 2007; Received 329 Research Proposals (177 PR, 95 CF and 57 Unclassified)

3 PR Research Proposals Received : 177 Nos. Admissible :51 Nos. 29 % Category of Institutions Numbers

4 Category of Institutions % Admissible

5 CF Research Proposals Received : 95 Nos. Admissible :36 Nos. 38 % Category of Institutions Numbers

6 Category of Institutions % Admissible

7 Main Reasons of Non-Admissible 1)Did not submit Required Number of Copies 2)Non-submission of Electronic Copy 3)First page-Form-not within one page 4)Endorsing authority and Declaration signed by different persons 5)Did not follow the prescribed format 6)Did not follow the Budget line items 7)Requested exceeding Budget limits 8)Requested exceeding Time limits 9)Institutions Submitted exceeding qualified Number of proposals 10)No budget for collaborators or more than 40 % budget for Collaborating institution.

8 CTA & RGA Receive proposals Administrative screening by RGA Coordinate TAT scoring and finalize ranking TAT Review & Scoring 3 RGP Decision on grants Research: - contracting - execution, - monitoring - dialog Eliciting Research Proposals 1 2 5 4 The Process of Approval


10 14-CF Winners NoInstitutionResearch Title 1 Centre for Agriresearch and Sustainable Environment and Entrepreneurship Development Community participation, local power structure and effective safetynet management in the vulnerable charlands of Bangladesh. 2 Centre for Agriresearch and Sustainable Environment and Entrepreneurship Development Study the impact of intensive cropping on the long term degradation of natural resources in some selected agroecological regions of Bangladesh 3 Department of Public Administration, Jahangirnagar University Transparency and accountability for ensuring food security in Bangladesh: a study on field institutions. 4 Agriculture Research Station, Pabna Problems and possibilities of production and consumption of safe foods 5 Department of farm power and machinery, BAU Integrated management of coastal zone for food security 6 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, DU Screening for nutritionally rich and low glycemic index Bangladeshi rice varieties 7 Department of Agricultural Statistics, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Spectre problems of food distribution systems and impact on household food security status in two southern islands in Bangladesh. 8 Department of Fisheries Management, BAU Development of tilapia marketing systems in Bangladesh: potential for food supply. 9 Economic Research Group Food security for the poor: exploring policy options under alternative price regimes. 10 Department of Crop Botany, BAU Global warning and sea level rising: impact on Bangladesh agriculture and food security 11 Planning and Evaluation Division, BARI Input marketing and management system in relation to food security in coastal region of Bangladesh 12 Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University Effects of environmental degradation on food security in the St. Martin's island of Bangladesh 13 Department of Botany, JUHomestead plant biodiversity in the southwestern coastal zone of Bangladesh: way forward to identification, utilization and conservation. 14 Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka Effects of using chemicals and hormones for cultivation and marketing of vegetables and banana

11 8-PR Winners NoInstitutionResearch Title 1 Policy Resource Programme of Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Re-emergence of food insecurity in Bangladesh? Instability in food production and prices, nature of food markets, impact and policy. 2 Department of Agroforestry and Environment, BSMRAU Impacts of anthropogenic activities on natural resources and food security in the coastal region of Bangladesh 3 Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Impact of paid employment and self employment on income and prospects of food security 4 Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, BAU Changing land use patterns and their impact on food security for farm households in Bangladesh 5 Center for Agriresearch and Sustainable Environment and Entrepreneurship To study the implementation status and effectiveness of the new agricultural extension policy for technology adoption. 6 Bangladesh Rice FoundationPrice stabilization, market integration and consumer welfare in Bangladesh 7 Consumers Association of Bangladesh Institutionalization of healthy street food system in Bangladesh: a pilot study with three wards of Dhaka City Corporation as a model 8 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, BAU Capacity strengthening of rural women in carrying out post harvest activities of vegetables and fruits towards food security

12 Research Areas No. of proposals awarded % of Total CFPRTotal Area I (Availability) 22418 Area II ( Physical & Social Access) 2029 Area III (Economic Access) 23523 Area IV (Utilization of Food & Nutrition) 21314 Area V (Cross Cutting Issues) 62836 Total14822100 Awarded Research Proposals: Areas

13 Category of Institutions No. of proposals awarded % of Total CFPRTotal University9 31255 Research Institutions 22418 NGOs33627 Total14822100 Category of Institutions CF-Challenge Fund; PR – Programme Funded Research

14 Collabo rations No. of Proposals Awarded % of Total CFPRTotal Yes741150 No741150 Total14822100 Collaboration of Institutions CF-Challenge Fund; PR – Programme Funded Research

15 Research Proposals No.Awarded% o Total CF1493,18,54026 PR82,58,69,28674 Total223,51,87,826100 Total Money Allocated CF-Challenge Fund; PR – Programme Funded Research

16 After Approval Briefing of the Winners Briefed/Discussed Contents of the Letter of Agreement (LoA) for the CF and PR winners Preparation and Finalization of Contracts Prepared LoA as per FAO standard Rules Signing of Contracts Signed LoA with the Institutions, Early Oct,07 Fund Release First Installment (20%) released, research is going on…

17 Monitoring & Reporting Each research proposal will be monitored by two TAT members (1- National & 1- International). TAT members will visit the research institutions and will review progress Submit Technical and Financial Progress Report, in prescribed format, at Three months interval. Present Research results in workshop (s) time to time organized by FAO

18 Future Opportunities a)Dialogue on the research results and suggest policies for the implementation of the National Food Policy b)Next call for Proposals is expected at the beginning of 2008 --- will be announced in the leading daily newspapers, project web site (

19 Thank You Very Much

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