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AIMS Overview* AIMS Overview* Austin ISD Instructional Management System Created: August 7, 2009 * AIMS went through a design overhaul during the Summer.

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Presentation on theme: "AIMS Overview* AIMS Overview* Austin ISD Instructional Management System Created: August 7, 2009 * AIMS went through a design overhaul during the Summer."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIMS Overview* AIMS Overview* Austin ISD Instructional Management System Created: August 7, 2009 * AIMS went through a design overhaul during the Summer of 2009. More training materials will be available in the near future that reflect this new design and navigation structure. Please contact the HELP desk at 414-8324 (option 3) if you have any immediate questions, concerns or comments. Thank you. Office of Curriculum and Instruction

2 Curriculum Connection

3 What is AIMS? Describes browser-based software that manages student achievement data and curriculum resources for the purpose of informing instruction and program decisions Created and maintained by the Austin ISD Provides quick access to critical student data Application is evolving with the district based on needs Austin ISD Instructional Management System

4 Why AIMS for Teachers? Quick access to on-demand student information Analyze individual student records ti identify areas of strength and need Assist in planning for individualized instruction Support strategic decisions about groups of students Improve overall teaching practice and collaboration with colleagues

5 AIMS Login Inside AISD: http://aims Outside AISD:

6 AIMS Navigation Bar Navigation Bar New for 2009-2010 Enjoy the same features and functions of AIMS as last year but with a redesigned look and feel. New Design!

7 AIMS Homepage Welcome Submit Suggestions Helpful Links

8 Predefined Reports One-click access to student performance data Generate Report Used for analyzing district and state assessments with a variety of flexible report types Benchmark TAKS Graphs User-friendly graphical data reports Web Editing Error correction area for scanned student answer documents. Most reports can be exported to Excel.

9 Benchmark TAKS > Benchmark TAKS > Generate Report Use this area to create your own performance data reports for TAKS and Benchmarks

10 PRA / FC (ELEMENTARY ONLY) Primary Reading Assessment / Flynt Cooter Used for entering and reporting on Primary Reading Assessments including TPRI/Tejas Lee, DRA/EDL, DIBELS/IDEL

11 Find a Student Archive of district and state test data Helpful links to student background information found in SASI including: Attendance Enrollment Parent Contact Class Schedule Export Student Test Detail to Excel!

12 IPG Instructional Planning Guides for Grades 5-9 in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies * *grades 5-12 for Language Arts

13 IPG Curriculum database used in lesson planning and to inform instruction

14 Other Systems Helpful links to other AISD data and information systems Short Activity: LOGIN Checks

15 Training and HELP Resources http://benchmarks Informational web site about AIMS and Benchmark Assessments with links to training resources http://matrix New! This site provides a hub for new curriculum and instruction departmental websites. Look for more great information in the months to come.

16 http://ipg IPGs, resources, yearly overviews, matrices and other curriculum planning materials http://dwsd All materials and documents used as part of the district-wide professional development days http://techinfo Technology information web site built specifically for teachers Training and HELP Resources

17 CAC Staff Contacts AIMS Manager / Instructional Support Coordinator: Michele King, Instructional Support Analyst: Shayna Sheehan, Curriculum Data Specialist (Benchmarks): Kim Penridge,

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