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BBs: Writeshops. What is the unique value proposition of this building block / Why do we need this for our CRPs? consider the outputs for activity plans.

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Presentation on theme: "BBs: Writeshops. What is the unique value proposition of this building block / Why do we need this for our CRPs? consider the outputs for activity plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBs: Writeshops

2 What is the unique value proposition of this building block / Why do we need this for our CRPs? consider the outputs for activity plans If its an output that’s going to be read Outputs that writeshops would help produce Each crp needs to think about what they are and where they are useful Useful across crps (to bring people who are not used to working together) Useful for end of project reports, produce something that people will read, policy briefs, research papers if authors find it difficult to write, etension materials Building block:

3 Who is already doing some work around this, how, with what success? Informal structures may exist but not too sure who’s successful at it as yet Building block:

4 What are principles/critical success factors/interventions/actions needed to take advantage of this BB? A comparative analysis of using a writeshop to using a traditional process A good editor is critical (sometimes a team is necessary) – Editors to steer the process and working with the authors to steer it in a particular direction Facilitator Writeshop is a good way but not the only way to do it Show them a few successful products Budget is critical Building block:

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