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Evolving Grammar Educating the appropriateness of Abbreviations & Acronyms.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolving Grammar Educating the appropriateness of Abbreviations & Acronyms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolving Grammar Educating the appropriateness of Abbreviations & Acronyms

2 Where they’re used Facebook Tumblr Twitter Online Games Texting School Work! Everyday speech

3 Why Keep it Short? Limits Simplicity Convenience Makes Sense Association

4 Examples CIA USA BofA GM e.g. i.e. et al. idk GF FB *$ 5150neways d8 gtg brbttyl Da UPStateKPS

5 Making sense of it all They’re common They’re nothing new They’re not going away They don’t need to be in the “never-never” rules.

6 Share Demonstrate the appropriateness of abbreviations. Show the students some of the abbreviations you’ve used at their age. Contrast professional/social use of abbreviations. Communicate local views on abbreviations.

7 Inform Steer students toward thinking about the reader. Have students asking: Will my reader understand? Will my reader expect them? What will the reader think of me if I use it?

8 Encourage Create community: Compile a growing list of abbreviations and acronyms with your students Have students text/write each other using as many abbreviations as possible Scavenger Hunt: Have students find real-world examples of abbreviations and acronyms and share them in small groups or to the class.

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