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Support: Certificates and Helpdesks Andrew Richards (GSC/NGS) – CCLRC, RAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Support: Certificates and Helpdesks Andrew Richards (GSC/NGS) – CCLRC, RAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support: Certificates and Helpdesks Andrew Richards (GSC/NGS) – CCLRC, RAL

2 Provides Support… Helpdesk –first point of contact for requests and queries –personally contactable during office hours –provides access to technical expertise at all sites Web information resource –tutorials –evaluation reports –links to other resources + Other

3 …and Services Certificate Authority for the UK e-Science programme –issues X.509 digital certificates –uses network of Registration Authorities (RA) to validate users –Bi-monthly training course for RA operators –see National resource directory service –Globus MDS + BDII Implementation for NGS –holds published information on Grid-enabled resources –National MyProxy Service –






9 Current CA –Recently migrated to improve stability and security Future Development Plans –>Matt Viljoen



12 User Registration (Process) User Applies (Via Website) Application Submitted to Peer Review Panel Application QC Approved ? Rejected (User Notified) Accepted (User Notified) User added to NGS VO (includes SRB account) User added NGS-USER and NGS-ANNOUNCE Mailing lists

13 Access Grid Certification Condor ETF For Information General GT2 GT3 GT4 Globus-MDS GridFTP Internal Maillist Myproxy NGS OGSA-DAI Project Registration RA Security SRB Support Notices Training Unicore

14 Provide first point of contact support Contact point between other helpdesks –Or provide helpdesk facilities for other sites Develop Support relationship with technical expertise at sites

15 StatusAgents InformedUser InformedComment RequestNew query submitted OpenXXQuery number distributed Stalled XX Rejected XX Agent Replied XX Agent email response automatically informs user and associated agents User Replied X User email response automatically informs associated agents Resolved XQuery answer Closed Can be reopened Possible ticket status and order for Helpdesk Tickets

16 RuleDescription Certificate RequestSubject contains Certificate, assign to Jianhua and Alex. NGS ruleSubject contains NGS, assign to Rob and Andy. Requests over 1 day oldEmail notification to Andy, Jianhua and Alex. Last edited over 2 days agoInform appropriate agents that query still active. Follow up date reminderIssue an email reminder to agent(s) if query follow up date set. Close resolved queriesAfter 2 days change status from Resolved to Closed. Close rejected queriesAutomatically change status from Rejected to Closed. Bugzilla reportsForward email to Xiao & Default auto assignment Automatic escalation and business rules: Automated Workflow


18 An audit trail of all actions performed on a query can be viewed from the History button on the Details screen. View Contact History on the Edit screen shows all queries associated with a user Query History

19 Inter-Helpdesk Development e.g. GGUS

20 Upgrade server to FootPrints v6.5, includes new user portal interface to access knowledge base without logging in. Make server SSL-enabled i.e. httpsuser portal Explore use for other areas of e-Science eg GridPP, OMII Populate UKGSC knowledge base with additional solutions and FAQs. Publicise web interface to users and include web link in email notifications to users. Note: Users logon to FootPrints with their email address and register a password. Create additional business rules to automate procedure and add reports to satisfy SLAs etc. Review best practice for interactions with other e-Science helpdesk systems, internally and externally (e.g. GGUS relationship) Helpdesk Plans

21 Grid Support Centre Contact Information: Websites Helpdesk (via Grid Support Centre) Email:

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