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How to Make a friend By Alexa. Introduction If you want to learn how to make friends Follow these instructions. And, make sure you read my how to.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Make a friend By Alexa. Introduction If you want to learn how to make friends Follow these instructions. And, make sure you read my how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Make a friend By Alexa

2 Introduction If you want to learn how to make friends Follow these instructions. And, make sure you read my how to.

3 Materials A person Some games The words how to play the game. Anther game. An answer. The words yes or no.

4 Step 1 Find a person and say hi.

5 Step 2 Then say let’s play a game.

6 Step 3 Then play the game for them so they can see how to play.

7 Step 4 Wait until they answer. They will say yes or no.

8 Conclusion Now that you know how to make a friend why don’t you try and do it? And, make sure you read my how to.

9 Dedication To my sister Lauren because she has friends but I want her to have more.

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