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CRITERIA FOR ELIGIBILITY. Clubs must have contributed to the Rotary Foundation during the Rotary year preceding the award of the grant: For purposes of.

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2 Clubs must have contributed to the Rotary Foundation during the Rotary year preceding the award of the grant: For purposes of the 2014-15 year, the contributions to the foundation must have been made during the 2013- 2014 Rotary year;

3 President Elect’s participation at PETS ; In extreme circumstances, non-attendance at PETS may be considered, however no consideration will be given unless the president-elect notifies the District Governor and District Governor Elect, in writing, in advance of the Mid-America PETS, that extreme circumstances exist that will prevent the President- elect’s attendance at PETS and the District Governor approves a suitable alternative.

4 Club must have completed the certification process by: Attendance at the District Grants management Seminar; and Sign and turn in the Club MOU no later than the submission of the district grant application;

5 The proposed project must be in keeping with the Mission of Rotary; Clubs must have a good history of reporting and record keeping for prior grant awards (at least not a negative history);

6 Club must be current on their dues to Rotary International; Club must be current on their dues to District 6170; The proposed project, including all reports, must be able to be completed by June 30, 2015;

7 The proposed project must be a new project in that the project must not be one that has been previously funded by a District Simplified Grant or a District Grant; and

8 Clubs may submit only one (1) application per club: Joint submissions (proposed project involving more than one Rotary club) will count as one (1) submission for each of the clubs participating in the project; All clubs participating in the joint project must be otherwise qualified.

9 Time Line for Award of District Grants June 20-21, 2014: Certification of Clubs District Grants Management Seminar in connection with District Conference / District Assembly July 1, 2014: Application period opens July 26, 2014: Application period closes

10 TBA: Applications reviewed by Grants Review Committee TBA: Submission of “chosen” applications to Rotary International TBA: Announcement of Award to Clubs


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