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Published byMariah McCarthy Modified over 9 years ago
Alice Abreu Office of Education, Science and Technology “Perspectiva de Género en Ciencia y Tecnología: un cambio de Paradigma” Santiago, 22 de Septiembre de 2005 Science and Technology and Gender at the OAS
The political forum for 34 independent member states of the Americas What is the OAS? What does the OAS do? Supports opportunities for political dialogue Informs political dialogue with technical knowledge Translates the informed dialogue into concrete cooperation strategies Summits of the Americas Ministerial Meetings Inter-American Commissions Horizontal Cooperation Mechanisms
The Political Dialogue Political Fora Summit Meetings Ministerial Meetings in the framework of CIDI The Inter-American Committee level meetings Within the OAS, the General Assembly and Permanent Council Inter-Agency meetings Dialogue with Civil Society
Facilitating Technical Cooperation Technical Fora Seminars and Workshops Virtual forum and website Networks of Experts and Advisors Videoconferences
The Office of Education, Science and Technology (OEST) is the Technical Secretariat of Ministerial Meetings and Inter-American Committees, and the coordinating body of technical cooperation OEST was created in September 2004, and has now three Divisions:, Science and Technology Education and Culture Social Development and Labor The OEST is one of the six Offices that belong to the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) THE OEST
Inter-American Commission on Science and Technology (COMCYT) Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology within the Framework of CIDI Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American System of Metrology (SIM). Maintains strong cooperation with the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). In Science and Technology, the OEST is the Technical Secretariat of the: Commission for scientific and Technological Development of Central America and Panama (CTCAP)
To allow the OAS, through the Division of S&T, to implement mandates and respond to the needs the countries are facing during the rapid process of integration. * Doc. CIDI/COMCYT/RE/doc. 5/03 rev.1, May 06, 2003. Special Meeting of COMCYT, Lima, Peru Science and Technology Program of Activities for Hemispheric Cooperation* Project for Hemispheric Cooperation and Scientific and Technological Policy Development Science, Technology and Innovation for Hemispheric Competitiveness
Science, Technology and Innovation for Hemispheric Competitiveness During the new Summit of the Americas Process some important areas were singled out and on which precise mandates were expressed, that relate to the consolidation of a scientific and technological progress based on local creativity and in the adaptation and adoption of cutting edge technologies. The Office of Science and Technology will develop its activities throughout the next years on the following areas: Technological Services Biotechnology and Food Technology Connectivity and Information Technologies Multinational Thematic Networks Clean Technologies and Renewable Energies Gender in Science and Technology
Main Objective of the Project: Generate science and technology policies and strategies for the Americas in the priority areas defined by the COMCYT Project for Hemispheric Cooperation and Scientific and Technological Policy Development
What we are looking for at the Organization of American States (OAS) is a series of guidelines that can help the strengthening of scientific and technological capacity of countries, help the reduction of existing gaps, not only among its Member States, but also within its own territories Project for Hemispheric Cooperation and Scientific and Technological Policy Development
PREPARATORY PROCESS 2003-2004 First S&T Ministerial Meeting, November 2004 Workshop Science, Technology and Innovation to Increase Competitiveness in the Productive Sector. November 03 Workshop Consolidation of Hemispheric Policies in Science and Technology. April 04 Workshop Science and Technology for Social Development. March 04 DecAprSepMarFebNov MayJun Workshop Scientific and Technological Development in the Americas Dec 03 First Preparatory Meeting Ministerial Process, Jun 2004 Second Preparatory Meeting Ministerial Process, Sep 2004 Workshop Popularization of Science. February 04 COMCYT Special Meeting – May 2003 IV COMCYT April 2004
Spanish English Portuguese
Promote the sustainable growth of investment in science, technology, engineering and innovation (STEI). Endeavor that all Member States establish effective national policies in STEI by the year 2007. Work towards the wide acceptance and recognition of the fundamental importance of incorporating STEI in the countries as leading elements of their social and economic development strategy. Support the establishment of national innovation systems oriented towards the productive sector. Foster expansion of human institutional capacities and infrastructure to undertake scientific and technological research in a framework of environmental protection, gender equity and equality. Declaration of Lima
Facilitate the greatest interaction possible between scientific and technologic research communities by fostering the establishment and consolidation of advanced research networks and synergy among educational institutions, research centers, the public and private sectors and civil society. Foster integral education. Encourage the participation of all stakeholders in policy decision making on matters of STEI. Implement the Lima Plan of Action and support the hemispheric initiatives in STEI and education of common interest to the Member States. … Declaration
I.Encouraging investment in S &T for development II.Strengthening national and regional infrastructure III.Strengthening national, regional, and hemispheric policies IV.Strengthening and disseminating science, technology, engineering, innovation and science education V.Strengthening programs for science and technology indicators, databases, portals, publications and science journals VI.Hemispheric Initiatives VII.Follow-up to the Meeting of Ministers and Highest Authorities in Science and Technology Plan of Action of Lima Commitments:
1) Recommendations for Integrating a Gender Perspective in Science and Technology Policies and Programs in the Americas 2) Engineering for the Americas 3) Inter-American Materials Collaboration through the Inter- American Materials Collaboration (CIAM) Programs 4) National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in the Americas, and the Latin American Advanced Networks Cooperation (CLARA) 5) Global Change Research through the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) 6) Inter-American Program of Indicators for Science, Technology and Innovation HEMISPHERIC INITIATIVES
7) Popularization of Science 8) Geographic Spatial Information for Integral Development in the Americas 9) Legal Metrology for the Caribbean 10) Advanced Networking for the Caribbean Region 11) Scientific Education with Support from the Inter-American Network of Academies of Science (IANAS) (Inquiry-Based Science Education) 12) Biotechnology for the Americas 13) Digital Government in the Americas 14) Databases, Portals, Publications and Scientific Journals 15) Productive Competitiveness and Employment for the Americas...Hemispheric Initiatives
Gender and Science and Technology
Promotes the integration of a gender perspective in S&T policies and programs in the Americas since 2003 in collaboration with the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), the Gender Advisory Board (GAB) of the UNCSTD, and the UNESCO Chair on Women, Science and Technology in Latin America Priority area defined by the COMCYT’s Special Meeting in 2003 and ratified by the Ministerial Meeting on S&T in 2004. Part of the implementation of the Inter-American Program on the Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality (IAP), adopted at the XXX OAS General Assembly, which has among its objectives, to promote the full and equal participation of women in all aspects of economic, social, political and cultural development. In Gender and S&T, the OEST :
Implemented the IDRC Canada/OAS Project for the preparation of position papers on the status of gender and S&T within the region and worldwide. Specific OEST’s efforts in Gender and S&T:
Gender and Science and Technology from an International Perspective By Sophia Huyer I Gender Equity and Science and Technology Knowledge and Policy at the International Level II Science and Technology for Gender Equity and Social Development POSITION PAPER
Equidad de Género en Ciencia y Tecnología en América Latina: Bases y Proyecciones en la Construcción de Conocimientos, Agendas e Institucionalidades By Gloria Bonder POSITION PAPER
Organized a Hemispheric Meeting of Experts in Gender and Science and Technology, August 2004, Washington, D.C. to prepare recommendations on integrating a gender perspective in S&T policies and programs in the Americas – OECT / CIM / GAB UNCSTD / UNESCO Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America. Recommendations were presented for the consideration of the S&T Ministers in Lima, who approved them as part of the hemispheric initiatives included in the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action. Specific Efforts of OEST in Gender and S&T
Hemispheric Initiative Recommendations for Integrating a Gender Perspective in Science and Technology Policies and Programs in the Americas Develop the necessary actions to integrate the gender perspective in science and technology policies and programs of the Member States, in order to achieve full participation of women and men. Women and men should be equal partners in the design, production and in sharing the benefits of the knowledge society. Plan of Action of Lima, First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology in the framework of CIDI, Lima, Peru, November 11-12, 2004.
Recommendations… 1 - Institutional strengthening: Key strategies for a new commitment with society It is necessary to ensure that the gender perspective is integrated in the science and technology policies and programs of the Member States, supported by the appropriate budget allocation, so that women and men can achieve equal representation and advancement in science, technology, engineering and innovation in the workplace, including industry and academia, as well as in national, regional and international policy- and decision-making bodies and fora.
2 - Creation, acquisition, utilization and dissemination of knowledge In the 21st century, the creation, acquisition, utilization and dissemination of knowledge must have the full participation of women and men. In order to achieve this, we must fully integrate the gender perspective in science, technology, engineering and innovation and we must generate, gather and disseminate knowledge to support effective evidence-based policy and decision- making. Recommendations…
3 - Education and training: Gender equity in access and quality. The highest priority must be given to improving the quality of science and technology education at all levels, with particular attention to eliminating the effects of gender bias and promoting creativity and a critical point of view at all levels, especially at the earliest stages. 4 - Towards a gender-equitable S&T workforce While the numbers of women and girls enrolled in science and technology subjects is increasing, the low translation of women’s scientific training to the recruitment, retention and advancement of women into the active science and technology workforce represents a loss of investment in science and technology education as well as the loss of national scientific capacity. Recommendations…
5 - Science and technology for economic and social development: we cannot afford not to maximize the use of human capacity. National and regional policies that recognize the relation of gender to social development and science and technology must be developed and implemented in conjunction with the ministries of social development, labor, and other pertinent ministries, and national gender institutions. 6 -Building the knowledge society through gender equity and equality: the new technology should not reproduce old inequalities. Women and men should be equal partners in the design and production of the knowledge society and should have equal access to its use and benefits. Recommendations…
7- The way forward: Promoting awareness There is now considerable knowledge and understanding about the critical importance of including the gender dimension in all considerations of how science and technology contribute to sustainable development. This includes issues of education and training, employment opportunities, career development, and the impact of technological change on the lives of both women and men. A) Further research on gender, science and development B) Monitoring Recommendations…
Joints efforts with national institutions and international and regional organizations. UNESCO Paris - International Report on Science, Technology and Gender - 2006 OEST coordinated Sub Chapter 1.1 “Science and technology for political, social and economic development.” Follows-up on the SEPIA initiative in collaboration with the Inter- American Commission of Women to develop lines of action for implementing the Ministerial recommendations. A regional meeting will be held in the first semester of 2006, which will also take into consideration the mandates from Mar del Plata.
IV SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS 2005 SeptOctAgJulJunMayoAbrMarFebEneroNov INTER- AMERICAN ACADEMIC DIALOGUE Civil Socity Dialogue Document resulting from VIRTUAL FORUM VIRTUAL FORUM Civil Society Dialogue in S&T IANAS XIV CIMT SIRG SIRG + GA OAS SIRG IV SUMMIT Summit Activities: Wording for Summit Documents S&T, Labour, Education, Culture and Social Development IV EDU II CIC Engineering for the Americas SIRG Round Table “The Fundamental Role of Science, Techn. Engineer. Innov. & Science Educat. within the Framework of the IV Summit of the Americas”
Round Table “The Fundamental Role of Science, Technology, Engineering, Innovation and Science Education within the Framework of Discussion for the IV Summit of the Americas” held in Bs As, Argentina on September 5 th Regional Forum with Civil Society “Creating Jobs to Fight Poverty and Strengthen Democratic Governance” carried out on Sept. 6-7 Promotes civil society participation in the preparatory process for the Summit of the Americas Participation of institutions linked with the integration of a gender perspective in S&T policies and programs has been very active during the preparatory process for the Mar del Plata Summit :
The Round Table “The Fundamental Role of Science, Technology, Engineering, Innovation and Science Education within the Framework of Discussion for the IV Summit of the Americas” Organized by the OEST in conjunction with the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Argentina. “The gender gap, especially in scientific professions, must be a concern of all societies. Ignoring this dimension is a major obstacle to women’s ability to participate in the Knowledge Society and is also depriving society of a significant portion of its intellectual force, a sure way to weaken national scientific capacity.” The recommendations from this Round Table were presented to the Member States in the SIRG meeting on September 8th in Buenos Aires, Argentina and in the Regional Forum previously mentioned. Roundtable Recommendations document, Sept 5, Bs As
Civil Society in Science and Technology Dialogues with civil society carried out before the meetings of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) including one carried out within the XXXV OAS General Assembly in Fort Lauderdale in June 2005, in preparation for the IV Summit to be held in Mar del Plata in November 2005. Round Table “The Fundamental Role of Science, Technology, Engineering, Innovation and Science Education within the Framework of the Discussion for the IV Summit of the Americas” organized by the OEST and the Summits of the Americas Secretariat of the OAS in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Argentina. This event was co-sponsored by MICROSOFT and Hewlett Packard Company. The Round Table‘s recommendations were presented to the Member States in the XL Meeting of SIRG, on Sept. 8 in Buenos Aires, as well as in the Regional Forum for Civil Society “Creating Work to Fight Poverty and Strengthen Democratic Governance” on Sept. 6 and 7 th.
November 2005 in Mar del Plata, Argentina IV Summit of the Americas Creating Employment to Confront Poverty and Strengthen Democratic Governance
Office of Education, Science and Technology (OEST) Executive Secretariat of Integral Development (SEDI)
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