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Analyzing Media’s Effect on Today’s Younger Generation.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Media’s Effect on Today’s Younger Generation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Media’s Effect on Today’s Younger Generation

2 Why is this film titled “Miss Representation”? What is the media ‘misrepresenting’? Why is this documentary significant today? Are the ideas presented in the film relevant to you or your society?

3 “People learn from the media more than any other source of information, so if you want to understand what goes on in our society, in the 21st century, we have to understand media.” – Jackson Katz, educator, film-maker, author. Explain this statement. Do you agree with this? Why/why not?

4 “So no matter what else a woman does, no matter what else her achievements, their value still depends on how they look.” – Jean Kilbourne, film-maker, author, on current media portrayal of women. Provide some examples that you can think of that relate to this. Do you agree with this? Why/ why not?

5 “You can’t be what you can’t see.” – Marie Wilson, Founding President of the White House Project. What does this statement mean? Do you agree?

6 “The media can be an instrument of change, it can maintain the status quo and reflect the views of society, or it can awaken people and change minds. It depends on who’s piloting the plane.” – Katie Couric, News anchor. What does she mean by her statement “it depends on who’s piloting the plane”? Do you agree?

7 As a child, what was your favourite film/TV program/ cartoon? List 3 adjectives to describe the main male and female character/s. Do you think such shows shaped your perception of your gender, your goals or your role as a child? Do you think these gender representations from childhood affect your current perception of gender?

8 Do you think that stereotyped or inadequate gender representation is harmful? Why/ why not? What are some consequences of this? How do we limit ourselves when we limit other people; how do stereotypes disempower us or others?

9 Does advertising perpetuate any stereotypes with regards to gender? If so, what kinds? How do you think advertising affects one ʼ s perception of girlhood/womanhood or boyhood/manhood? Think of some famous or well-known ads to highlight your response. Why do you think advertisers cater to these stereotypes? Have you ever felt pressured to live up to particular standards of masculinity, femininity or beauty? How do people your age tend to respond to such pressures? Do you think the beauty industry’s representation of beauty is a factor in lowering people’s self esteem?

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