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National Overview and information on The Place2Be Edinburgh Hub Web: Tel: 020 7923 5500 Supporting.

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Presentation on theme: "National Overview and information on The Place2Be Edinburgh Hub Web: Tel: 020 7923 5500 Supporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Overview and information on The Place2Be Edinburgh Hub Web: Tel: 020 7923 5500 Email: Supporting troubled, unhappy children in schools The Place2Be

2 © The Place2Be, 20072

3 Work of The Place2Be Referral & Assessment The Place2Talk (Unique, universal self- referral drop-in service) Working with schools: Circle Time, The Place2Think Engaging with Communities Working with other agencies Working with Parents: advice and support Group Work One-to-One

4 © The Place2Be, 20074 Why children come to The Place2Be Abuse Anger Anxiety Bereavement and loss Bullying Changes to family structure Depression Eating disorder Erratic and dangerous behaviour Learning/communication disability Loneliness Low self-esteem Neglect Parental illness, substance abuse, or criminality Relationships with siblings Self-harm Socio-economic disadvantages Transfer to new country Transfer to new school Trauma Underachievement Victims of war Withdrawn behaviour Maggie’s Story When she was 10 Maggie was the victim of bullying. She did talk to her Mum about it but was adamant that she didn’t want Mum going to school and talking to the teachers. She feared that telling would only make the bullying worse. So Mum Sonia suggested Maggie go to The Place2Be. ‘I knew the service was running in the school’ says Sonia ‘and I felt it would be a discreet means of support for my daughter’. ‘The Place2Be really helped’ says Maggie. ‘My Place2Be counsellor spoke to the girl who was bullying me and said she should go to The Place2Be too. They found out why she did it (but they never revealed that to me) and helped her stop being a bully. So she got something out of is as well and by the end of the year we had actually become friends’. ‘It was such a positive experience’ says Sonia ‘I’m so pleased I was able to stand back and let me Maggie sort it out herself with all the proper support from The Place2Be’.

5 © The Place2Be, 20075 The need in Edinburgh statistics from the Spring 2007 school term In the last school term alone 106 referrals were made by teachers, parents or external agencies highlighting children in need of support. Reasons for referral included: Peer isolation/withdrawal Difficulties at home Support with transitions within school Bereavement Parental mental health problems Neglect Change in behaviour – more attention-seeking for example Change in home circumstances – parental illness, new baby Externalising behaviours – confrontational, aggressive, challenging authority There were 10 Child Protection forms and 20 Notes of Concern submitted to the designated members of school staff. Issues arising were domestic abuse, alleged physical abuse, bullying and parental chaos (including drug/alcohol abuse).

6 © The Place2Be, 20076 The Place2Talk in Edinburgh Children go to The Place2Talk with a huge range of home and school based problems. The most common of which reported by SPMs include: difficult peer relationships, managing feelings, coping with bereavement, bullying, complex family relationships, parental separation, and school problems such as exams worries, and managing disappointment. Children also go to support a friend. Ceana’s Story 9-year-old Ceana went to The Place2Talk because she needed to tell somebody that she had been cheating in class spelling tests. Ceana was able to voice her anxiety and said that being under pressure to do well with her schoolwork made her feel like she was drowning. It was as if the ground disappeared beneath her. Ceana attended The Place2Talk regularly and gradually began to feel more secure. Ceana’s teacher reported very positive changes - she was able to ask for help more often and no longer needed to cheat. No. of children in Edinburgh accessing The Place2Talk

7 © The Place2Be, 20077 ‘The Place2Think’: Supporting the whole school community “Good quality help and support was provided for pupils in The Place2Be, where qualified counsellors and trained volunteers provide therapeutic and emotional support to vulnerable individuals.” Comment from HMIE report Burdiehouse Primary School “There is never enough time to give, especially to those children who need it most, the quiet ones, the sad ones, those who always sit alone, those who only show their feelings when they've lost their temper. We knew that we couldn't do it alone.’ – Head teacher ‘The Place2Be has touched the lives of the whole school community.’ - teacher ‘The Place2Be for the children and A Place for Parents complement one another. I cannot imagine one service now without the other. My one hope is that all schools should be able to access your service as of right.’ - Head teacher “The Place2Be fits well within the current policy environment in relation to both education and mental health and well being…the ethos of The Place2be fits especially well with the whole school approach” MVA Evaluation of The Place2Be Edinburgh Hub on behalf of Scottish Executive, NHS Lothian & Edinburgh City Council ‘The Place2Think’ is an important and integral part of The Place2Be service in the school: Builds a broad understanding of children’s needs Enhances the emotional literacy of the whole school environment Creates a supportive environment for the child Provides an opportunity to think together for the benefit of the child and adult member of school staff

8 © The Place2Be, 20078 Where to find The Place2Be 113 schools, 12 Hubs, 37,000 children BLYTH Horton Grange First School Morpeth Road First School New Delaval First School Tynedale Middle School Croftway First School Delaval Community Middle School Malvins Close First School Ambleside Infants Ambleside Juniors Brocklewood Infants Brocklewood Juniors Firbeck Primary Highwood Player Infants Highwood Player Juniors Melbury Primary Portland Primary Rosslyn Park Primary Seagrave Primary William Sharp Comprehensive Ellis Guilford School and Sports College NOTTINGHAM LONDON BRENT Chalkhill Primary Lyon Park Infants Lyon Park Juniors Michael Sobell Sinai Mora Primary Newfield Primary Oakington Manor Primary Salusbury Primary St Joseph’s RC Primary St Mary’s C of E Primary St Mary’s RC Primary ENFIELD Alma Primary Bush Hill Park Primary Chesterfield Infants Chesterfield Juniors De Bohun Primary Eldon Juniors Garfield Primary Suffolks Primary Wilbury Primary GREENWICH Bannockburn Primary Boxgrove Primary Charlotte Turner Primary Cherry Orchard Primary Conway Primary Gallions Mount Primary Morden Mount Primary St Patrick’s RC Primary St Thomas A Becket Primary WANDSWORTH Eardley Primary Highview Primary Sellincourt Primary Shaftesbury Park Primary Westbridge Primary The Vines School CROYDON Applegarth Infants Applegarth Juniors Castle Hill Primary Fairchildes Primary Good Shepherd Primary Kingsley Primary Rockmount Primary Rowdown Primary SOUTHWARK Albion Primary Cobourg Primary English Martyrs RC Primary John Ruskin Primary Keyworth Primary St Judes Primary Surrey Square Juniors Tower Bridge Primary Victory Primary MEDWAY Glencoe Juniors Gordon Juniors Hempstead Infants Hempstead Juniors Hoo St Werburgh Primary Lordswood Infants Lordswood Juniors Sherwin Knight Juniors Spinnens Acre Juniors Thames View Juniors DURHAM EDINBURGH Balgreen Primary Burdiehouse Primary Canal View Primary Craigroyston Primary Forthview Primary Longstone Primary Murrayburn Primary Niddrie Mill Primary St Francis RC Primary St Catherine’s RC Primary Cotsford Infants Cotsford Juniors Deneside Infants Deneside Juniors Easington Colliery Primary Eden Community Primary Murton Primary Princess Road Juniors Ropery Walk Primary Shotton Primary Yohden Primary Where to find The Place2Be NATIONAL HUBS HARLOW Abbotsweld Primary Milwards Primary Paringdon Juniors Potters Street Primary Purford Green Juniors Spinney Juniors Water Lane Primary BLYTH Horton Grange First School Morpeth Road First School New Delaval First School Tynedale Middle School Croftway First School Delaval Community Middle School Malvins Close First School Ambleside Infants Ambleside Juniors Brocklewood Infants Brocklewood Juniors Firbeck Primary Highwood Player Infants Highwood Player Juniors Melbury Primary Portland Primary Rosslyn Park Primary Seagrave Primary William Sharp Comprehensive Ellis Guilford School and Sports College NOTTINGHAM LONDON BRENT Chalkhill Primary Lyon Park Infants Lyon Park Juniors Michael Sobell Sinai Mora Primary Newfield Primary Oakington Manor Primary Salusbury Primary St Joseph’s RC Primary St Mary’s C of E Primary St Mary’s RC Primary ENFIELD Alma Primary Bush Hill Park Primary Chesterfield Infants Chesterfield Juniors De Bohun Primary Eldon Juniors Garfield Primary Suffolks Primary Wilbury Primary GREENWICH Bannockburn Primary Boxgrove Primary Charlotte Turner Primary Cherry Orchard Primary Conway Primary Gallions Mount Primary Morden Mount Primary St Patrick’s RC Primary St Thomas A Becket Primary WANDSWORTH Eardley Primary Highview Primary Sellincourt Primary Shaftesbury Park Primary Westbridge Primary The Vines School CROYDON Applegarth Infants Applegarth Juniors Castle Hill Primary Fairchildes Primary Good Shepherd Primary Kingsley Primary Rockmount Primary Rowdown Primary SOUTHWARK Albion Primary Cobourg Primary English Martyrs RC Primary John Ruskin Primary Keyworth Primary St Judes Primary Surrey Square Juniors Tower Bridge Primary Victory Primary MEDWAY Glencoe Juniors Gordon Juniors Hempstead Infants Hempstead Juniors Hoo St Werburgh Primary Lordswood Infants Lordswood Juniors Sherwin Knight Juniors Spinnens Acre Juniors Thames View Juniors DURHAM EDINBURGH Balgreen Primary Burdiehouse Primary Canal View Primary Craigroyston Primary Forthview Primary Longstone Primary Murrayburn Primary Niddrie Mill Primary St Francis RC Primary St Catherine’s RC Primary Cotsford Infants Cotsford Juniors Deneside Infants Deneside Juniors Easington Colliery Primary Eden Community Primary Murton Primary Princess Road Juniors Ropery Walk Primary Shotton Primary Yohden Primary Where to find The Place2Be NATIONAL HUBS HARLOW Abbotsweld Primary Milwards Primary Paringdon Juniors Potters Street Primary Purford Green Juniors Spinney Juniors Water Lane Primary Edinburgh Blyth Durham Nottingham Manchester (Hub opens January 2008) Harlow Medway London Hubs Brent Croydon Enfield Greenwich Southwark Wandsworth

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