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Take a Step in 2012-Change One Thing. Change One Thing This years theme for Fairtrade Fortnight is “Take a step.” This means changing something you normally.

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Presentation on theme: "Take a Step in 2012-Change One Thing. Change One Thing This years theme for Fairtrade Fortnight is “Take a step.” This means changing something you normally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take a Step in 2012-Change One Thing

2 Change One Thing This years theme for Fairtrade Fortnight is “Take a step.” This means changing something you normally buy to the Fairtrade equivalent. This could be …


4 Millions of people in developing countries depend on farming. But they are trapped in poverty by the rules of world trade, keeping those at the start of supply chains powerless to earn enough to cover their costs and with nothing to save for their families. Choosing Fairtrade offers farmers and workers a better chance to work their way out of poverty, through fairer wages, safer conditions at work and a little extra, called the Fairtrade premium, to invest in projects to improve life for their whole communities. How about.... Buying Fairtrade chocolate as a Mother’s Day Present Encouraging your parents/relatives to buy Fairtrade tea bags, coffee and hot chocolate Joining our group

5 We are raising money for Trainers4trainers.

6 If you bring in Fairtrade logos from home, you can win points for your house. All you need is to bring them in and place them in your house box or in your regi folder. Panmure – Library Balmossie – Guidance base Dalhousie – CLD office



9 Omg Fairtade is Reem

10 I fight for Fair trade!

11 I shall magic up some Fairtade chocolate!

12 So, you should too…

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