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SPIRIT Project Partnerships Brainstorming Looking for Collaborative Opportunities School District STEM Coursework And Innovation PKI/UNO SPIRIT Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "SPIRIT Project Partnerships Brainstorming Looking for Collaborative Opportunities School District STEM Coursework And Innovation PKI/UNO SPIRIT Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPIRIT Project Partnerships Brainstorming Looking for Collaborative Opportunities School District STEM Coursework And Innovation PKI/UNO SPIRIT Engineering And Robotics New STEM Learning Schools SPIRIT We don’t have the answers, but we hope to find them together…

2 The Power of “STEM” Connections The National Research Council suggests Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics learned better when connected…  National Research Council. (1999). How people learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.  National Research Council. (2004). Engaging schools: Fostering high school students' motivation to learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.  National Research Council (2005). How students learn: Science in the classroom. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

3 A Little About Us: SPIRIT (NSF: ITEST) Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in IT Teacher Training (Robotics) Teachers Develop Lesson Ideas SPIRIT 2.0 (NSF: Discovery K12) Silicon Prairie Initiative for Robotics in IT 2.0 New Robotics Innovations National Robotics CyberCurriculum http://www.ceen. Bots/ PKI’s Computer Electronics and Engineering UNO’s College of Education OPS’ Mathematics and Science

4 Activity: Torrence Test Creative Thinking What can you teach with a brick?

5 What Could You Teach With a Robot? 1: Robo Math5: Robo Electric 2: Robo Physics4: Robo Chem 3: Robotics

6 Collaborations? Some of our NSF-related needs: 1)Data related to impact (pre-post tests) 2)Control group data (pre-post tests) 3)Teachers to try out lessons with students 4)Teachers to help write curriculum 5)Teachers to help write assessments 6)Other ideas?

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