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‘Twas the Last Week at Maywood, before Winter Break…

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1 ‘Twas the Last Week at Maywood, before Winter Break…
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is a traditional poem that is read by many at this time of year. Rewrite 2 paragraphs total 8 lines a new poem titled ’Twas the Last Week at Maywood Illustrate a picture that relates to your 8 lines on the opposite side. Things to think about: What are the halls like during that last week before break? What are the students thinking about? What are the teachers doing? Principal? Custodian? Etc… What is the mood of students & staff during that last week? – excited, anxious, spirited, cheerful, etc… Include settings and “characters” that would be seen at Maywood.

2 You will be graded on WORD CHOICE
4 Consistently clear, visual, and accurate I use just the right words in just the right place. All the words in my paper fit. Each one seems just right. I use vivid, precise, natural, colorful words and phrases that linger or draw picture in the reader’s mind. I won’t find overdone, vague or flowery language. I use strong verbs.

3 Excerpt from a Maywood student in 1992 about the last week in June before summer break!!
‘Twas the last week at Maywood, and all through the halls Eighth-graders were stirring and bouncing off the walls. The lockers were cleaned by the students with care In hopes that vacation soon would be there. The students were nestled snug in desks, it was said. While visions of freedom danced in each head. And Coach in her kerchief and I in my cap Had just settled down for a lunch detention nap. When out in the halls there arose such a clatter, I woke from my nap to see what was the matter. Away to the door I flew like a flash Said, “Later Coach!” and knocked over the trash. Use AA, BB rhyme scheme. Example… I wanted to go to school (A) Because I knew it was cool (A) But the bus had broke down (B) So I was wearing a frown. (B)

4 ‘Twas the Last Week at Maywood, before Winter Break…
‘Twas the last week at Maywood, and all through the room All the eighth-graders were anxious for break to start soon. Teachers were trying to keep their attention from failing And all that was heard was whining and wailing. In the halls were packages held tightly with care Candy canes eaten and sugar was everywhere. Kissinger wished she had patience galore Only 2 weeks off? She wishes there were more! A B

5 Finish your poem. It needs to have:
2 stanzas w/ 4 lines each, no repeats of lines. Every 2 lines need to rhyme, for example… ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there Show Ms. K your completed rough draft and when it’s okay, you will get a final draft paper Your final draft must be typed/written neatly and include colorful illustrations/pictures and your names on the back.

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