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Requirement Specificity Our system is: –95% coverage at street level –From a 4210 unit with dual 7.4 DB Gain Antenna –With 1 Mbps download capacity 95%

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Presentation on theme: "Requirement Specificity Our system is: –95% coverage at street level –From a 4210 unit with dual 7.4 DB Gain Antenna –With 1 Mbps download capacity 95%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirement Specificity Our system is: –95% coverage at street level –From a 4210 unit with dual 7.4 DB Gain Antenna –With 1 Mbps download capacity 95% of the time in coverage area Which is a completely different system than: –95% coverage at street level –From a laptop held at waist level with an internal 100 MW WIFI Card –With 1 Mbps download capacity 95% of the time in coverage area

2 Requirements What does 95% coverage mean? What are the frequency of the checks? –Every 25’ along streets? Every 300’? –Do you check both sides of the street? –Are the checks performed in a car, truck, SUV or by pedestrian? –In building checks? At windows? 10’ in? Mounted antenna? –The need to identify both converge, which is the ability to talk and throughput, the capacity to transmit data Depending on your goals, you must be very specific. The designs, and costs, will fundamentally change as each different standard is specified.

3 Recommendation Decide exactly what the system must do Determine exact testing methodology to verify each of the requirements you define Include the methodology in your RFP and Contract Make sure the testing tools and their placement in the network is specified in the contract Use the predetermined testing methodology as part of milestone completion Include verification management tools as part of the testing –Updates, status, performance issues

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