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High-level education and research on Radiological and Nuclear Sciences in the University of Seville RAFAEL GARCIA-TENORIO Cherne Workshop 2013 Salamanca,

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Presentation on theme: "High-level education and research on Radiological and Nuclear Sciences in the University of Seville RAFAEL GARCIA-TENORIO Cherne Workshop 2013 Salamanca,"— Presentation transcript:

1 High-level education and research on Radiological and Nuclear Sciences in the University of Seville RAFAEL GARCIA-TENORIO Cherne Workshop 2013 Salamanca, June 2013

2 UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLA More than 500 years of history, 32 centers, 160 Departments 60 thousand students 4500 teachers/researchers

3 Faculty OF PHYSICS 4 Departments, 17 research groups, 700 students (under and post-graduates)

4 STUDIES Graduation in Physics Graduation in Material Sciences Master in Nuclear Physics Master in Medical Physics PhD Programme in Nuclear Physics

5 MASTER IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS Interuniversity Master Universidades de Sevilla, Barcelona, Autónoma de Madrid, Salamanca, Complutense de Madrid, y Granada Instituto Estructura de la Materia, Instituto Fisica Corpuscular CIEMAT Main subjects Nuclear Physics Radiology Environmental Radioactivity, Low-level Counting Multielemental analysis through Nuclear Techniques Nuclear dating Techniques Nuclear Energy

6 PhD Programme in NUCLEAR PHYSICS Interuniversity Programme Universidades de Sevilla, Barcelona, Autónoma de Madrid, Santiago, Huelva, Salamanca, Complutense de Madrid, y Granada Instituto Estructura de la Materia, Instituto Fisica Corpuscular CIEMAT Research Lines Nuclear Estruvture Nuclear Reactions Experimental Nuclear Physics Applied Nuclear Physics Hadrionic Physics

7 The Centro Nacional de Aceleradores OUR SINGULARITY

8 Centro Nacional de Aceleradores Established as an agreement between the University of Sevilla, Junta de Andalucia and C.S.I.C. in 1997. A National facility open to national and international collaboration with: - Other Universities and Health Care Centers (public, private). - Public Research Institutes. -Private companies. A good environment for the training od scientists and technicians ISO 27000 and ISO 9001 Certifications

9 CNA building, Parque Tecnológico Cartuja 93 (former place of Australian Pavillion during World Exposition 1992))

10 CNA Personnel (Sept. 2012) Staff (permanent, PhD): 9 Doctors (temp):12 Post-Graduates (temp): 9 Administration: 3 Technicians: 9 Total: 42

11 CNA Personnel

12 Institutional Agreements -IAEA Collaboration Centre -Collaboration with ENRESA (National Company in charge of the Nuclear Waste Mangement in Spain) - Collaboration with CIEMAT. - Collaboration with Virgen del Rocio Hospital - Collaboration with ALTER Co. (irrdiation of aerospatial components) - Collaboration with CSN (Spanish Nuclear Safety Council) OPAC “Optimization of particle accelerators” Marie Curie ITN; partners: 10 institutions. European Project

13 Scientific Production Summary2007-20082009-2010 Finnanced Projects 3546 Artícles ISI68107 Congress Contributions 6999 Ph D Tesis + Master Works 2+42+6

14 CNA General Information 20082012Increment Budget 1130 k€1172k€4% Personnel 334227% Permanent Staff 510100% Turnover 65 k€128 k€ (2011) 97% Big Installations 35+1100%

15 Scientific Objectives of CNA A Centre of Reference in material analysis through the application of IBA techniques. A Centre of Reference in AMS and in 14 C dating A Centre of Reference in the development of radiation detectors instrumentation. A Centre of Reference in Medical Image and in Radiopharmaceutical syntheses. A Centre of Reference in the development and application of irradiation tests To be….

16 A Centre of Reference in material analysis through the application of IBA techniques.

17 Spintronics applications Study of defects after ion implantation of transition metals (Ni) in SiC monocristals for application in spin electronics Collaboration: ICMM, MFA (Budapest); INSP (Paris); UNAM (Mexico) Ref: PSSc 5(2008)1374; NIMB 267(2009)1097

18 Archaeometry studies using external beam Large and non suitable for vacuum samples can be analyzed with the external beam

19 Micro-probe μ-PIXE Hot-particle Analysis Pu (L  ) U (L  ) A15 Scan 100x100  m 2 HP3 Scan 75x75  m 2 Pu and U concentration maps in hot particles with origin in the Palomares nuclear accident. Both elements are confined inside the particle.

20 A Centre of Reference in AMS and in 14 C dating

21 14 C: Bomb pulse effect in Mexico

22 Effect of Nuclear release of 129 I in the Baltic and North Sea J. Environ. Radioact., 1992, 15, 231 Algae from the coast of Sweden in the North and the Baltic Sea North Sea is much more affected by the releases of Sellafield and La Hague. No exchange with the Baltic Sea.

23 Plutonium isotopes in air filter samples (Seville) Seasonal trend (high values in summer). They were correlated with Saharan Dust Intrusion

24 A Centre of Reference in the development of radiation detectors instrumentation

25 Tracking detectors (CNA-Saclay-GANIL) Collaboration

26 Characterization of a strip Si detector for Radiotherapy dosis measurement U.Sevilla-CNA-INABENSA-HUVM-ESII Si strip detector inside a cilindrical phantom Measurement with a clinical electron accelerator PATENT SUBMITTED

27 Neutron line @ CNA: astrophysics Performed two different activations that should correspond to measure the Maxwellian Average Cross Section (MACS) of 181 Ta at kT=30 keV and kT=55 keV by using MACS of Au as reference. The MACS is the fundamental ingredient for the calculation of the reaction rates of the elements with A>56 in the Universe. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AT CNA Chamber designed, constructed and tested at LNL-INFN. Copper backing developed at Seville. Water cooling flowing around. Lithium foil.

28 A Centre of Reference in Medical Image and in Radiopharmaceutical syntheses.

29 Some molecules prepared at CNA Na[ 18 F]F for osseous and renal studies  [18F]FLT as a cellular growth marker to obtain images for cancer diagnosis For pre-clinic research the following radio-pharmaceuticals are produced in CNA: FLT, FMISO, BF 4, NaF y 11 C-metionina

30 Cerebral Metabolism: Hipoxia-Ischemia Brain is pressed by a Fogarty balloon, and effects are monitored with FDG-PET and F- MISO images Project developed in collaboration with the Pediatric Neurosurgery Unit of the Hospital Virgen del Rocío. Fogarty balloon PtiO2 sensor

31 A Centre of Reference in the development and application of irradiations tests

32 Radiation hardness in fibre optics sensors used in particle-physics experiments In a first experiment it was determined the existence of a relation between the type of coating of the sensor and its response under irradiation of protons. In un second experiment it has been analyzed the effect of the protonic radiation in the response of nude sensors (withgout coating). (Detectors from “Large Hadron Collider”-CERN) Collaboration IFCA - CNA

33 Response of luminiscent materials to ionic radiation Reactors of Losses (escaping) Fusion of fast ions Diagnosis Luminiscence in scintillators (ZnS(Ag)) Luminosity Afterglow Detectors for plasma in ITER

34 Creation of a Service for irradiation of aeroespatial components Irradiation of electronic circuits (total dose and SEE) Irradiation of solar cells


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