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1 XXIV International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies 17-22 August 2009 Hamburg ~ 400 Participants ~ 50 Plenary talks Jolanta.

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Presentation on theme: "1 XXIV International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies 17-22 August 2009 Hamburg ~ 400 Participants ~ 50 Plenary talks Jolanta."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 XXIV International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies 17-22 August 2009 Hamburg ~ 400 Participants ~ 50 Plenary talks Jolanta Brodzicka (IFJ)

2 2 Title

3 3 Introduction Higgs/EW results from Tevatron Hints of New Physics in B decays at B-Factories Based on the conference talks: Higgs Searches at Tevatron G.Bernardi (Paris) Top and Electroweak Physics at High Energies F.Canelli (Chicago/Fermilab) Status of Experimental Searches O.G. Lopez (Madrid) Rare B Decays T.Ijima (Nagoya) Future B-Factories M.Giorgi (Pisa) Particle Physics in the LHC Era and Beyond G.Altarelli (Roma Tre /CERN)

4 4

5 5

6 6 Higgs problem is central in particle physics  Higgs boson existence, cannot be too heavy (m W, m t, unitarity violence) still not visible  quadratic divergences → hierarchy problem, NP at TeV scale

7 7 New W mass measurement

8 8 Title bullet ( from radiative corr)

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11 11 Title bullet

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13 13 Title Prelude to the Higgs

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17 17 Title bullet

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22 22 Title bullet

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26 26 Title bullet

27 27 Flavour Physics New

28 28 New

29 29 Flavour Physics New

30 30 Flavour Physics New

31 31 Flavour Physics New

32 32 Flavour Physics New

33 33 Flavour Physics New

34 34 Flavour Physics New

35 35 Flavour Physics New

36 36 Flavour Physics New

37 37 Instead of conclusions:Future New

38 38 Backups

39 39 Backups

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41 41 Backups

42 42 Flavour Physics New

43 43 Flavour Physics New

44 44 Flavour Physics New

45 45 Title bullet

46 46 Flavour Physics New

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