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The Origin of Man Lecture 2: Anthropology The Holy Bible.

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1 The Origin of Man Lecture 2: Anthropology The Holy Bible

2 Atheistic Evolution Evolution dismisses all divine revelation; It is a philosophical explanation for creation apart from God Evolution & Revelation Harmonized; God supervised the process of macro- evolution. Theistic Evolution Intelligent Design Evolution is empirically lacking; Intelligent Designer has greater explanatory power because of specified & irreducible complexity which is empirically evident in biology & cosmology. This view is advocated by theists, Christians, and even some agnostics. Theology accommodates Science; allegorizes Genesis 1-2. Progressive Creationism

3 Gap Theory Bible accommodates science. This view contends that there is a time gap between Genesis 1:1-2; The time gap accommodates science (e.g., geological ages). Biblical Revelation trumps Scientific claims. If claim is “true” science, then it will cohere with the teaching of Bible. Scientific Creationism

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