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Annotated Bibliography. Author  Year published   Annotation (Summary of the article / newscast) Title of article / news article  City where it was.

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Presentation on theme: "Annotated Bibliography. Author  Year published   Annotation (Summary of the article / newscast) Title of article / news article  City where it was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annotated Bibliography

2 Author  Year published   Annotation (Summary of the article / newscast) Title of article / news article  City where it was published   Publisher/Publication

3 Smith, David. Lecture. 12 April 2011. Write your annotation (brief summary) here… Collins, Gail. “The Zombie Jamboree.” The New York Times Company. 19 Nov. 2010. Web. 12 April 2011. Write your annotation (brief summary) here… A lecture An online article Crinly, Marcus. “Zombies Invade!” NBC Nightly News. 12 March 2010. Web 8 January 2012. Write your annotation (brief summary) here… An online newscast

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