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Project By: Brent Elder, Mike Holovka, Hisham Algadaibi.

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Presentation on theme: "Project By: Brent Elder, Mike Holovka, Hisham Algadaibi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project By: Brent Elder, Mike Holovka, Hisham Algadaibi

2 What is our project about?  Designed an interface for Window 7  Controlled by the Microsoft Kinect Device

3 Why?  Gesture based interaction between humans and computers have seen a large growth in popularity  To start developing towards interfaces that adapt more to humans  Get beyond the traditional input devices  Break into the field of gesture recognition

4 Who is it for?  We are the clients  Research into the field of Human – Computer interaction  Benefit our future careers  Help to inspire future students

5 Accomplishments  Gesture Recognition  Software that will translate our gestures and movements recorded by the Kinect into commands that will control our interface  Voice Recognition  Total of 28 Voice Commands  Applications  Developed media player and folder control applications

6 How?  Microsoft Kinect  Kinect SDK  C# and Windows Forms

7 Kinect Features  Raw sensor streams  Skeletal tracking  Depth Data  Advanced audio capabilities

8 Hardware RGB Camera3D depth sensors Multi-array microphones Motorized tilt

9 What is Kinect SDK?  Programming toolkit  Drivers  Rich APIs for raw sensor streams  Languages

10 Windows Forms  Designed our system using Windows Forms over Rainmeter  Found Rainmeter to not be compatible with the system we wanted to develop  Designed all aspects of our system using Windows Forms

11 Risks Encountered  Incapability of Kinect SDK with Rainmeter  Programming difficulties  Not enough time to finish all features  Kinect SDK in Beta 2  Inaccuracy of the Kinect Device

12 Gestures Implemented  Mouse Functions  Maximize/Minimize Windows  Window Switcher  PowerPoint  Open/close virtual keyboard

13 Voice Commands Implemented  General Commands  System Commands  Windows Commands  Application Commands

14 Demo

15 Questions?

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