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A Brief History of Psychology SS…was sent to the State Prison for five years for assault and battery, with the intent to kill…(he wanted to) prove his.

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Presentation on theme: "A Brief History of Psychology SS…was sent to the State Prison for five years for assault and battery, with the intent to kill…(he wanted to) prove his."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Brief History of Psychology SS…was sent to the State Prison for five years for assault and battery, with the intent to kill…(he wanted to) prove his own superiority as an animal…The drawing shows a broad, low head, corresponding with such a character. The moral organs are exceedingly deficient…If the higher capacities and endowments of humanity were ever found coupled with such a head as this, it would be a phenomenon as inexplicable… Answer the following questions on your PowerPoint notes: 1.The author’s blah, blah, blah 2.Cause/effect 3.Meaning of words

2 Phrenology A former belief that examining the bumps on a person’s skull could determine their intellect and character traits.

3 “Old” Approaches to Psychology Structuralist: Psychologists who study the basic elements that of things that go on in our heads. This involved introspection, where people reported their thoughts and feelings. Functionalism: Study the function of consciousness. For example, studying how animal and people adapt to their environments. Inheritable Traits: Genius is hereditary. Also wondered if the would should get rid of “less desirable people.” Gestalt: You have to look at a whole pattern to understand something. For instance when you look at a chair, you look at it as a chair as a whole rather than noticing its legs, seat, etc. Another example is a marquee. You see moving lights, not individual lights flashing on and off. Which “old” approach do YOU think is best? WHY? (Answer on your PowerPoint notes).

4 “New” Approaches to Psychology ApproachDefinitionSample Research Question Psychoanalytic Psychology Unconscious motivations influence our behavior. How have my childhood experiences influence the way I handle stressful situations? Behavioral Psychology Events in the environment, such as rewards and punishment, influence our behavior. Can good study habits be learned? Humanistic Psychology Individual or self-directed choices influence our behavior. You have freedom in directing your future. Do I believe I can prepare for and pass this test? Cognitive Psychology How we process, store, and retrieve information influences our behavior. Behavior is influenced by perceptions, memories, expectations, etc. How does caffeine affect memory? Biological Psychology Biological factors influence our behavior. Our physiological make-up (genes, hormones, etc.) influence how we act. Do genes affect your intelligence and personality? Sociocultural Psychology Ethnicity, gender, culture and socioeconomic status influence our behavior. How do people of different genders interact with one another?

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