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Calloway County Schools CONFIDENTIALITY TRAINING Protection of Personal Information School Year 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "Calloway County Schools CONFIDENTIALITY TRAINING Protection of Personal Information School Year 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calloway County Schools CONFIDENTIALITY TRAINING Protection of Personal Information School Year 2015-16

2  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  Kentucky Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act  Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment  Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Education Act 0f 2004 (IDEA)  Kentucky Administrative Regulations  Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel (704 KAR 20:680)  Board Policy (09.14, 09.14AP 232, 10.11)  Special Education Procedures – Confidentiality of Information (Chapter 8)

3  Disclosure of information is subject to FERPA requirements  Required to be given to parents annually  Potential Forms of Notice  Annual newspaper ad or article  Annual statement in Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline  Annual statement in student handbooks

4  Written Parental Consent  Disclosure Without Consent  Release of Education Records to Another School District  Directory Information and Public Notice  Emergency May Warrant Disclosure Without Consent  Other Conditions for Release of Personally Identifiable Information  Parent Refusal to Release Information

5  Inspection and Review of Educational Record  Education Records  Access to Education Records  Explanation and Interpretation of Records  Copies of Records  Representative of Parent to Inspect and Review Records

6  Documentation required  School officials with legitimate educational interests

7  Disclosure of information provided only for the specific child as requested by parent  Group information must protect all individuals

8  A list of types and locations of education records required  Fees permitted unless this would prevent access to records

9  Request to Amend Information in Education Records  Request for Record Amendment Hearing  Conduct of Hearing  Result of Record Amendment Hearing

10  Records Security  Persons Responsible for Ensuring Confidentiality  Training Regarding Confidentiality Issues  Listing of Persons Who May Have Access

11 Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) O Intended to protect the rights of parents and students in two ways: O To make instructional materials available for inspection by parents if those materials will be used in connection with an ED-funded survey, analysis, or evaluation in which their children participate O To obtain written parental consent before minor students are required to participate in any ED-funded survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning

12  General Notice to Parents of all Students  Parent Request for Destruction of Records

13  Transfer of Rights to Student When 18 Years of Age or Emancipated  Exceptions to Transfer of Rights  Court order showing the parent as the guardian/ youth representative in educational matters


15 Personally Identifiable Information Includes More Than Written Documentation Verbal information E-mails Printing to a common printer Faculty/Staff Lounges Unsecured memos/notes/etc. Stray comments in ARC’s Gossip Video clips Photos Facebook/Social Media

16  What is your privacy barometer?  Respect other’s privacy as you would want others to respect yours  Any information regarding a person’s employment is confidential  Prospective employees’ information is also confidential

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