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Media Guidance and Talking Points for Arrowhead Spouses Part 1: Guidance When the Media Calls You.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Guidance and Talking Points for Arrowhead Spouses Part 1: Guidance When the Media Calls You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Guidance and Talking Points for Arrowhead Spouses Part 1: Guidance When the Media Calls You

2 When the media calls Know your rights Role of the media Who are you talking to Who is your audience Know your limits General rules on topics

3 Know your rights It's your choice whether to speak to reporters. If you choose to speak, remember it is your right to stop at any time. Role of the Media Press agents are doing a job vital to democracy. They're not harassing you if they call you or approach you for an interview. Only when they persist after you have told them "no" does it become harassment.

4 Who are you talking to? Before answering questions, write down the reporter's name, telephone number, and the name of his news organization. Do this even if you're going to decline the interview. It will discourage them from persisting after you say no. Call the organization if you doubt the reporter’s credentials. Do this even before the interview.

5 Who is your audience? Family members have information useful to the enemy. Thanks to technology, information can be transmitted instantly. On the other hand, when you are enthusiastic about your spouse's mission, your response can build morale and show American resolve.

6 Know your limits It's best not to talk about anything of which you do not have firsthand knowledge. There is nothing wrong with saying "I don't know" in response to questions to which you have no answer. Don't speculate. Remember that you can end an interview at any time if you no longer feel comfortable, even in the middle of conducting it.

7 In General: Do not talk about: –Deployment/redeployment times –specific mission details (whether they are past, current, or future operations) –Weapons, vehicle, or equipment information –Anything you have heard second-hand from your husband, another spouse, or anyone else

8 Do talk about: –How you are supporting your soldier while he is deployed –Changes you have made in your own life during the deployment –How the FRG supports the unit at home –Your specific interactions and activities with the battalion and in the FRG –The current Arrowhead Media Talking Points In General:

9 Part 2: Arrowhead Media Talking Points for units in Baghdad

10 This is what you can say about the current mission in Baghdad: The current mission is to stop sectarian violence in Baghdad. The Tomahawks and Warhorse are part of a larger focus of Coalition Forces in Baghdad that are there to fix the violence problem. The Battalions are working in close partnership with Iraqi Security Forces, the Iraqi government, and local neighborhood leaders. The Tomahawks and Warhorse were chosen for this mission out of 3-2 SBCT because of their excellent reputations and experience. The Battalions are currently living on FOB Liberty near Baghdad International Airport in some of the best living conditions available in Iraq.

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